
@darkos87: The League community has been pretty good. You get some d-bags every once in a while, but at the earlier levels people have been pretty helpful.

@mr_godot02: Is the demo out for the 360 already? Or are you talking PC?

@darkos87: I never played Dota - my brother was really into it and now he's moved onto HoN.

Any other League of Legends players around here?

@OhFudge: Doesn't sound like it has anything to do with Spartacus to me. Must be wrong.

@OhFudge: If they're looking for a title to play on they could aim their sights a little higher than something from Starz.

This is a really horrible title.

This is one of those articles that just gets more confusing the further you go...

@Zyker: I'm still a noob but I will add you to my list for sure.

League of Legends. I'm a recent addict... I mean user. I mean player.

I'd much rather see Halo: Reach as a candidate for GOTY than this.

Once again, this is correlation, not causation.

I don't know - it seems about right to me.

@LREKing: Seemed to work okay for TDK.

@mrantimatter: They get away with it because the quality is so high.

Is that.. a dinosaur fighting game?

@RagingBull: It takes the same amount of time to mute someone as it does to type two words if you know what your'e doing.

@Blitzgrilo: Doesn't really sound like you were excited about it even before you heard the price point, so I'm not sure why it's such a big deal.

@nifsmash: That's because tears have sluggish performance and are outdated...