
@chajjar: Yeah it's a little embarrassing sometimes.

LED Lights Are Coming of Ave

@collex: He says, "there's a girl outside."

@ninjamurf: I don't disagree that students should be taught how to spell. I just don't think that letting them use spell-check is going to be the end of the fucking world and that every one of them will now be illiterate. Jesus christ.

@Mira Mi Huevo!!!: That might be one of the worst metaphors I've ever heard.

@Edix: I agree 100%.


@SageofMusic: Haven't played it yet. Working my way through the first one.

@Batman: I enjoyed that game a lot, and I liked the writing when I was playing it, but it feels like he was trying really hard to make it 'serious art.'

I love Super Mario Galaxy, and I can't stop playing it, but I'm getting annoyed at the little issues.

Pretty cool for that AJ guy - sounds like it's kind of his first big voice-acting break. Good for him.

John Noble is the most badass man in the universe (and the other one).

Nexus G2 must have been a real under the radar release...

@oplix: People who make comments like this have probably only ever picked the demos in stores and used them for 30 seconds.

@Lomig: It would be hard to go from the heavy, solid feel of the N1 (with that odd rubbery, durable feeling on the back) to this.

I wish it wasn't the Samsung Galaxy hardware, because if I could have this phone with that sexy, sleek front (seriously, I love the way it looks with the screen off - just pure black with no capacitive buttons visible) in a package that felt like my Nexus One, I would be buying this right now.

@Ryan_Long: If this phone is really going to be the Nexus One of 2011, then you will still get the latest firmware before everything else.

The Grammys of video game awards. Which is kind of sad, since there are no other televised video game award programs.