
Not sure why people are so down on the Android keyboard. It's not that bad.

@freedomweasel: To me it just kind of seems like, something they'll put on because why not? I could see it being kind of useful. If you're going to have your iPad with you, it might as well have a camera.

Specifically which 100 miles are being targeted?

Haven't played Black Ops, and don't plan on it. I already wasted $120 on W@W and MW2 and got sick of them too soon.

@zegota: I do agree with that, and that's something that the developers should probably have thought about - whether this is likely to fan the flames that already exist in the existing user base.

@dsh: So there's no way to tell how this will be from TV-to-TV other than just testing it out?

@zegota: The difference is that the stereotypes you're referencing with black people are very reductive.

I don't really see this as derogatory. They're calling it flamboyant... because it's flamboyant.

Response time seems to matter to me. So many people think I'm crazy when I mention it, but just try playing an FPS (Halo in particular) on a tube TV, then go to an HDTV. You will notice a significant lag on the HDTV between your input and the actual response on screen.

Has anyone else noticed poor performance on Angry Birds on Android since the update that added 'the Big Setup?'

@Reavyn: Just listen to the side effects for Abilify on the commercials.

@Red_V: Yeah, except on a console you have independent movement and aim to worry about, rather than just tapping a screen. A real comparison would be an entire game of quick time events - good luck with that.

When I make the blue and yellow squares overlap, they two colors seem to 'flow' over each other. If I'm seeing mostly blow, the yellow will seem to wash over the blue until it's mostly yellow, and then back again. Pretty weird.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: Diddy's Kong Quest has made me rage as hard as any game - except for maybe Halo.

Has anyone seen these SXHD screens?

@MacAttack: This question came up last time - I think it has to do with the way it's measured. It isn't a truly two dimensional object - it's just that it is only one atom thick.

I think I'll probably stick with my N1 until the next major jump forward. I really really want this (especially since Best Buy offers no interest on purchases over a certain amount), but it's hard to pull the trigger.

@Chumley_Marchbanks: Ah, the days of being in school, when the weather actually meant that you might have some time off. Having a job, it just means you have to get up earlier so you're not late.

Why does it seem like people who are doing these videos never know how to properly show off a phone?