
It’s reasonable that this would be exclusive to Xbox since it was barely announced and they made no promises. I’m sure they intended to release it on PS5 but since it’s so early it’s fine that things are changing. It easily could have changed under different circumstances like if the developer decided they wanted to

I’m not sure if this is really a problem, that’s pretty typical for contests and the prize money isn’t really all that low, and I think part of the appeal is seeing your design in the game.

I’m not sure you could really glean all that much from the subtitles to the previous games though. “Breath of the Wild” really just gives the idea that the game was open world for example but nothing about the plot.

You can tell in games like Mass Effect that the developer intends for you to choose the “nice” options because the alternative is usually an option that lacks fully developed content. Like if you choose to be mean to someone it’s usually the case that you just refuse to help them and then that questline ends there.

There’s people working on ray tracing mods for a bunch of games, including some other Star Wars games, this one isn’t the first. For example people were messing with Jedi: Fallen Order

The Dualsense controller is honestly one of the reasons I’m wanting to play games on the PS5, in terms of some games that are multiplatform. I’d normally get most games on PC with the main exclusives on the console, but having the haptic feedback along with the adaptive triggers is very cool.

I don’t really agree with this. Just because something is changed slightly doesn’t mean it’s suddenly legal and free to use however you want. By that measure I could take a digital image file and save it in a different compression format and it’s suddenly a new work that I can do whatever with

Kaiden is the worst, maybe just because the voice actor played Carth in Knights of the Old Republic and Carth sucks. Don’t hate the actor, but hearing his voice makes me think of Carth

To some degree I’m ok with having those games I haven’t played, because I at least I’m supporting the developers even if I don’t play their game. There’s games that I’ve tried that I just couldn’t get into (like the Witcher 3 though I’ll get back to it some day) but I know they’re good games. Few games are really

Does anyone know what the resolution of the master for this is? I’m wondering if it’s 1080p, which would make a 4K version not all that great if they’re just upscaling from 1080p. Sure there’s the added benefit of HDR but I’m not sure this release will be that much better than before

But like every time *in* the article

But like every time the article?

Wow, what a joke. So it looks like Xbox isn’t getting its first major exclusive until almost 2 years after it launches.

Because the further you go back the worse the practices are for archiving their source data. The teams were smaller and the development pipeline was not as strict. People working on stuff might not have saved files the way they were supposed to. It happens with any big digital project, look up what happened with Toy

Isn’t Amazon the Amazon of gaming?

Microsoft’s services are great--but their lack of exclusives is an issue, unless they offer stuff I can’t get anywhere else then there’s not much reason to get an Xbox. Even disregarding that 99% of their games are out on PC as well, they just don’t offer much in the way of must-have exclusives.

That’s looking really rough, like the resolution is extremely low, and I’m not sure why considering the graphics don’t look that great anyway, compared to other Switch games.

From what I saw of gameplay it was an extremely average MMO, which pretty much means it’ll die out pretty quickly after launch

Look at Phil Harrison’s history:

This likely won’t pan out the way the hackers intend, the people that could pay that kind of money probably wouldn’t risk the legal issues.