I agree about Eden Prime, but the other stuff to me looks like they just improved what was there. I don’t know how you could look at the face comparison and genuinely think the old ones look better.
I agree about Eden Prime, but the other stuff to me looks like they just improved what was there. I don’t know how you could look at the face comparison and genuinely think the old ones look better.
It might have helped if they were still around (and the people involved still worked there) but most likely the multiplayer for the remaster would require a lot of work on the back end along with all of the other graphical improvements they’d need to do. It seems like the team on this is fairly small.
In one of the interviews they said that the reason they didn’t include the multiplayer was that it would take a ton of work, as much as it took them to update an entire game.
They’re doing a lot actually, increasing the textures as much as they can, improving models, improving rendering effects, improving controls and other bug fixes.
Sony actually has a deal with Microsoft for Azure, they may already be using Microsoft’s tech for some of their cloud services, maybe even Playstation Now.
Mass Effect 2 is great, but if you think about the story it really doesn’t matter at all, it has next to nothing to do with the overall story (reapers are coming, stop them)
The game is also costing the higher premium price of $70 and looking at the game, I’m just not seeing where that value is
At least the game is cheaper than the average game price
That’s like the show Caprica, though weirdly on the show the people developing it insisted it as a way to become digital and live forever
Not everything has to benefit everyone. And also remember since you worked to pay yours off quickly you benefited from paying less interest and you’ve had the time since then without those payments with a greater amount of money to invest back into yourself.
What Dreams is really capable of doing is much more limited than what you’re making it out to be. Like, I really wouldn’t say that the things you’re calling photo-realistic are all that realistic.
Also, it can still be good even if it’s done by different people
I actually liked Halo 4, I thought they did a good job, and it’s such a huge step up compared to Halo 3. 5 on the other hand is not so good
I haven’t seen enough about the ray tracing capabilities, but I would imagine that like all the other stats that it’s lower than the Series X. For example Devil May Cry 5 will support ray tracing on the Series X but not the Series S.
It’s still the case, games coming out these days look better and run better than the early days of this generation.
Let’s look at things right now, the Series X has no major launch exclusive, the PS5 has several. That God of War sequel is set to release next year, the Horizon sequel is also set to launch in 2021. The PS4 did fantastic with exclusives, with multiple exclusives each year, and very highly rated games. How many times…
It’s not related to just screen resolution, like while the S supports raytracing I can’t imagine that many if any games will have it enabled for the S which means they can’t design a game that relies on features like that.
Yes, they own many really great studios at this point (and some really great game series too)
The S is less powerful overall, it’s about a third of the power of the X, even less than the current Xbox One X. And it can only render up to 1440p
What it really comes down to is that if they want to get the most out of both consoles it takes more work (more money) and it’s very rare that they actually do that. Instead what happens is that they target the lower-end console and then change settings for the more powerful console in ways that doesn’t take as much…