
Sure, the main platform is console, but if they release it on PC then it’s going to get compared to other PC RTS games.

It’s good I tried the demo before buying—the PC version is terrible, not the graphics but the controls are just so bad.

Multiplayer is complex, the server can’t scan a person’s computer, you could tell the client to scan the files but then it’s the user’s computer reporting info to the server and that can be spoofed. All of the cheating software is based on changing information that the client is reporting to the server. That’s why

It’s not usually just about cheating, it’s a case where they modified the game itself to do it.

They would still add on these types of things because they can. To a publisher if it makes money then there’s no reason not to do it.

When my sister had kids my parents were excited to figure out their grandparent names. I was confused because we called our grandparents just Grandpa and Grandma

I feel like that would happen accidentally a lot and would be annoying.

Sure, things can be hard to compare to current games, but I tried playing this recently—besides the technical difficulties and the bad graphics/UI it genuienly has poor gameplay, the shooting mechanics just aren’t very good, and the AI is pretty horrendous. Some people will still enjoy it, but it’s not a classic that

Just note, this isn’t as good as you remember, it doesn’t hold up, in graphics or gameplay.

I’m not really into the anime style, but I got into Space Battleship Yamato for the spaceships—they have a recent reboot that’s done to a very high quality, Space Battleship Yamato 2199. They also have a second series currently playing which is Space Battleship Yamato 2202

I genuinely don’t feel loneliness, I think it’s a rare case where it just doesn’t bother me, and I very much prefer to be alone. Not that I hate people or anything, it’s just not my thing.

I think that’s probably a major part of the plot, or at least it seems that way to me from the trailers—everyone trying to find Deckard because he knows how to live longer.

What the fuck Nintendo

Wouldn’t it be difficult for people to find your book since it has the same name as the game?

Silent Hill was actually pretty good, only problem was that they put pyramid head in there (which was cool to see) but wasn’t relavant to the story

Valve can curate the store, they used to do that. They’ve probably spent more money on developing ways of trying to automate things than if they just paid for people to check submissions

There’s a lot more games they can remove

I mean, this is rushed as well—2yrs development for something that’s supposed to be bigger than the previous game that took 3 yrs

I predict that Battlefront 2 will sell less than Battlefront 1

It might be based on preorder sales, they get some kind of bonus based on how many sessions they had, though it’s not a big bonus.