
Look at research, UFC fighters suffer less head injuries do to the nature of the sport, where often serious blows to the head happen less often and are usually one and done. Boxers and football players are repeatedly beat in the head but have "padding" this just masks the repeated trauma.

I sort of agree. Super Bowl though is wholly made up. It’s not made of two words that literally describe the event - Comic and Convention, and a Bowl game is more associated with college of you really think about it. Like if we said Com Con would the biggest communications convention think it’s trademarked? Or Co Con

ComiCon - Issue solved 

Jump on a Pteradactyl right? Man been so long! Loved Nightcrawler in that!

Is just weird...if the dude makes a painting of his dog dressed as Hitler giving the salute with a word bubble saying “Gas the Jews” it would be looked at as art, we’d wonder what the artist was trying to convey...and we’d probably be angry when we found out it was a painting just to piss off his gf....

I thought he’d be eating a #4 at Nicky’s Grinders!!!!

Doing the most remedial research will show you there is no solid evidence on violent video games effects on the mind. Yet people will still try to buy into this. In the 90s it was the gangster rap apparently...its always going to be something other than the truth.

Apostrophe/Overnight Sensation in my opinion is peak Zappa

Worst example: That Seth Rogan episode of The League, wtf!?!?!

I sincerely hope this is sarcasm...

Every aspect of “traditional” relationships has gone out the window with our increase in tech. It used to be work to find a partner..like to “find” one! Now we have every type of dating app and website. The ease of finding partners makes the struggle to maintain a relationship stressful, if I got found on match or

Any real Rage fan would never claim The Battle of LA as the band’s peak. This was almost enough to make me disregard the entire review. Peak popularity maybe thanks to Tony Hawk Pro Skater. First album and Evil Empire are pinnacle RATM. Plus comparing riff rock pioneers to the Black Keys? I’d say any similarities

Chekov’ s Gun or Red Herring? You don’t know if it’s either until it’s used.

She calls for her sister when she’s on top of the wall in Winterfell and not in the hall. Only one guard there with her.

Do you have a sister!?!?! I have seen some things I tell you. I saw my friends sister wish death on her and throw kitchen shears at her head which stuck in a wall directly next to her face, so ummmmmmm yeah I buy about anything siblings can say and do to each other. The worst things done and said are usually over the

Seemed obvious to me too, especially seeing Arya’s face. She never looked worried at all. I even think Brianne was in on it in some way I felt that her “You can’t trust Littlefinger” comment seemed forced and the look on her face and volume seemed like she said it for someone to hear. I had the feeling right away Arya

This makes me laugh! Nothing happened in post. The wolf’s eyes are clear acrylic and if aligned perfectly you can “see through” them. They are white showing the snow and ice, then black as Jon’s black glove comes out of the water directly behind it.