
Coco! Coco! Coco!

@the0nly0ne: This just in: Lincoln has been shot!

Not exactly trip-hop, but very good nonetheless.

This makes me long for a Star Wars Galaxies remake even more...

@GIGAR: The good thing is that it will only ever happen in a videogame.

Cool concept; only problem is that no country will ever be able to make it past America's Navy, let alone make it on shore.

@Aduntu: Oh boo hoo. It's a joke.

Better representation of how Android users see iPhone users...

Yeah let me just throw away all of my antique ornaments to replace them with these Lego alternatives...

@reishka: Meh, Sennheiser products are alright for the price. There are so many better (and cheaper) earbuds out there that just blow Senns away, quite frankly.

Sennheiser: The number one brand in pseudo-audiophilism

The real question is why is a woman holding the diaper?

@grigori: God I hope this is satire.

Nailing into a brick wall? Impossibru!


Wait just a minute. People still play MW2?