Darth Urderer

MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.

I don’t think I’ll ever remember that the Chargers moved to LA. In a decade, I’ll see LAC on the ticker at the bottom of the screen and still think that the Clippers are playing the Broncos for some reason.

Real country music is fantastic. The corporate crap that goes by that label... yes, I agree with you. 

Drew, this was hysterical. To go to all the trouble of writing a WYTS for a team that’s not real is simply genius. 


Man, SonicFox was a fantastic sport about it as well.  Cheered him on and everything after the match.  That’s the kind of sportsmanship we need in all big tournaments!

You know, I’m from rural(ish) Colorado, and nothing in this article or this comment section upset or fazed me. It’s all true.

I think Lost suffered greatly from the time it aired—something that isn’t replicated on rewatching years later. Defenders go on and on about how it wasn’t supposed to answer every question and blah blah blah...but they forget that, at the time, the ads LITERALLY said--repeatedly--for months--“ALL! *pounding bass note*

Yeah, other WYTS columns include jokes; this one is just a list of facts.

I hate when Grand Theft Auto starts lagging out and the streets are filled with the same couple cars.

Woah, woah, woah. Let’s not let GrapeNuts off the hook so quickly. It’s literally gravel.

They side-stepped this in JoJo Part 2, as Stroheim refers to himself as a member of the German Army and German Science is the best and all that bs.

If it’s more important for you to have an emotional “moment” than to have a fair outcome, go watch a fucking movie.  

This is a deep OG Grover Golden Books reference, and as someone who read his original childhood version of this book to his daughter last night, respect.

This is like Grover’s monster at the end of the book. I know you say “WARNING: THIS POST IS NOT A JOKE.” but damn if I don’t want to read it anyway to see if it’s a really good joke.

I came here for this

Or it could be a perfect opportunity to gaze into the rotten core of our soul as a nation and do something meaningful about gun control instead of just accepting that we need dystopian drills like this in the first place.

For some reason the MAGA babies saying “God and Country” drives me almost as crazy as anything. The confidence to boldly advertise your hypocrisy seems unimaginable to me. I can’t even leave a positive Yelp without 10 minutes of indecision that would result in me saying “Why the fuck does anyone need to know this?”