
@Accordeon: I tried that. The Mexican horse was my new default. :/

I got attached to the Kentucky Saddler broken in one of the story missions as well. I loved that horse and even went out of my way to walk when I went hunting so it wouldn't get attacked. Then I went to Mexico and they supplied me a new horse. F*** THAT S***. I was pissed off.

Go Bengals!

Psh... Notify me when they prove Nessie's real.

Is this gonna be free roam like Spider-Man 2?

Did anyone else see a Y-Wing?

TEST NOT TEXT HURR DURR. Chill out, people.

DO WANT. I don't care if it's similar to Fallout 3, that's exactly what I want! About the same gameplay, with different story/map/characters. Looking forward to weapon upgrades too.

@HRDSalami654: Know... don't.... I.... umm.... demo liked the I.

@Chicken: The WWII is a lie.

I feel as if I'm the only one who thinks this is pretty boring for a special-themed xbox... :/

Great picture.

You have no idea how much I want those Boba shoes and/or these.

Darth Vader is always Anakin Skywalker, but Anakin is not always Darth Vader IMO.