I think it's more likely that this is 007 training.
I think it's more likely that this is 007 training.
Pretty boring for a LE console. To each his own I suppose.
Accurate representation if I do say so myself.
Well isn't that just a kick in the [exposed] groin? I would have never expected...
@gemcosta: Plus you get it in story mode.
@dunetiger - Free DaiMac!: It's not that everyone hates wolves, it's that they travel in packs of about 6 or 7, and once you get them out of the way another pack gets pissed off that you killed them. I HATE encountering wolves in that game.
@TheRevanchist2: Don't thank me, it's my job.
I find your lack of waffle disturbing.
@Zool SD: Gaga... with a color scheme?
New Testament God doesn't hate nerds. Old Testament God might though... He was kind of a dick.
@MacAttack: Sounds like paradise.
I was looking for this picture just the other day.
likes this.
@Finstern: The future!? This was obviously taken a long, long time ago...
@Arken: Fine line, my friend.
Oh good. I've been thinking that Xbox has been having WAY too many capital letters lately.