Eobard Thawne

No, you'll find most people here seem to think the same way haha. I wouldn't be surprised if he runs shirtless into King's Landing and takes the throne against all the Kingsguard and the Goldcloaks. But he's got '20 good men' so it's fine.

I've found David Nutter's and D & D's comments to be fairly unsubtle. Without fail they say "Jon Snow is dead" even if they're just asked "is he dead" or "is Jon dead?" Perhaps I'm overreading but that reeks of being unnaturally phrased- Jon Stark rises again, right?

"What is dead may never die, because we're only dead in the sense that D and D have completely forgotten about our existence."

As would I, to be honest, and I feel like in a way he might be with these new posts of his about how the book and show are different.

I disliked that to be honest- I've always found the notion of having kings lead armies a bit odd but to an extent it's a historically accurate, but when he didn't even have a helmet on that was just…no. Same as elite commando shirtless Ramsey.

The show, it would seem, is very much setting it up so without ambiguity or contest Daenerys is the 'rightful' ruler.

She sold me at "when you play the Game of Thrones."

Sigh, so many regrets.

The thing is, it IS shock value with so little build up or sloppiness around him. If the Martells wanted war then they should have also professed their Targaryen alleigance in this episode. But I wouldn't use Myrcella as an example.

"Open question for book readers: Given that Stannis’ storyline has been spoiled, do you think you’d skim through those chapters (however they manifest) once The Winds Of Winter is released? I know some might find this to be against the whole purpose of reading the books, but I’m wondering how knowledge of plot shifts

Perhaps the qualm with a lot of people hear isn't that it's different from the books, but they're not happy to lap up clumsy writing. Perhaps you need to get over the fact that some people are truly unhappy with the direction on the show and that has nothing to do with departures from the books.

"Are they those ones out on the Iron Islands?"

To be honest I think the incest might be a bit harder to get past than "oh well, I guess my line is pure and I'll be good looking and skillful like my father."

So, with the absence of the Pink Letter, might I ask why exactly Thorne, if his plan was to kill Jon with many members of the Watch around all along, didn't just leave him outside the gates (even if that was a plot hole given the boats would have taken them SOUTH of the wall) to begin with, AND solve the problem of

There really is plenty of difference in the show now anyway to warrant the assumption the books could be completely different.

"Their decision to portray him differently than the books did is not the same thing as bad characterization."

I've explained to no less than three people, no, they aren't dead, but thinking about it, that was sure ambiguous.

Don't forget Lady Stoneheart and Strong Belwas! Oh, wait, they never made it…

I'm still on board with the show too (sadly haha). Sure, I really dislike a lot of it but it's still worth watching for little scenes like the perfect translation that was Cersei's walk and most of S1 to S4. I just hope Winds of Winter, unlikely as it seems, will make it before season six.

I think his death was anticlimatic while I agree they decided just to end it, particularly after last week's blackwashing and character assassination of him; above all I'm just sad Liam Cunningham/Stephen Dilane's last scene will be of Stannis telling Davos to get lost, basically, because he needs to burn his