Darth Egregious

This stuff is just getting started.  The Federal ban on abortion is next up.  After that, a lot of marriages will become illegal.  Just watch and see.

Oh the GOP very, very much wants to be done with Trump. He’s done more to make their plots harder then anyone else save Nixon. Problem is, Trump has tapped into the racist, bigotted, stupid ID of many of the GOP voters and while they can and are trying to shove him out, they can’t go too far, or face Trump loyal

I think the reality is, Trump has helped establish a new Republican figurehead archetype. The man with the literal name Trump is no longer of use, but hole he vacates will be Trump-shaped for a very long time. Perusing even this Roe-dominated news cycle, you will see Ron Desantis is being slowly poured into that hole.

I’m glad to see Gizmodo dealing with this issue in a calm factual matter rather than the pearl clutching histrionics of other sites.

I can’t believe how many people think taking the 5th means you’re guilty.

So when can we expect the “Roger Marshall and the GOP want your kids to go hungry” ads to start?

Nothing says “Welcome to post-Roe America!” quite like Republicans working to block legislation to feed kids.

Clarence Thomas was the second Black Supreme Court Justice. Thurgood Marshall was the first; Thomas was replacing him.

Thurgood Marshall was the first black justice.

It’s true of most hardliners isn’t it? They change their tune real quick once it actually affects them or someone they love. See: the Cheneys and gay marriage. 

Jesus Fuck, he literally wants people to be oppressed for their own good.....

But they are more than happy to fundraise off of it as an issue then not deliver anything and blame the voters because somehow They did’t vote hard enough or something.

Don’t bet on that. He might be tired of Ginni’s shit, and decide to fuck everyone else over for his own personal gain. Never underestimate the capacity of evil that these people have.

I am absolutely begging you to take a basic civics course.

“I’m not racist, I have a few black friends.”

Keanu Reeves has no objections to you sexualizing an AI Keanu Reeves, either.

Then you dodged a bullet. 

They do this shit to see who will lowball themselves and work for shit, they don’t really want to negotiate, that’s a bald face lie.

All those should be red flags to you. If they aren’t excited about bringing you on board enough to, at least, meet you in the middle, then they are just trying to fill spots and they are not overly worried about fit. IME run from those kinds of jobs. Thats assuming you already have a job. If you are unemployed and

Any time I ever said “The minimum I’d consider is..” that was the offer I would inevitably get.  So, I also suggest raising what you state to be $X above your actual $X.