Darth Egregious

“The White House will no longer be checking the temperatures of all guests, though unfortunately, people who come into close contact with Donald Trump and Mike Pence will continue to be screened for covid-19.”

Jason was the ONLY reason I watched that show.


My thoughts exactly. Page, Assistant, son... It seems Gaetz just can’t seem to make up his lie... err mind.

So, 20 lbs later and now you bring up Oreos. My binge food has been ice cream. Hey! Ice Cream is healthy. It has dairy and fruit, two of the most important food groups. As a matter of fact, my doctor said that I had to get more fruit and vegetables in my diet. I’m just following the doctor’s orders.

“In redefining the term that describes biological sex, the Supreme Court took the question of protected categories out of the hands of the American people and once again created judicial legislation,”

“What about people who are alleged by the media to be segregationists, like Joe Biden,”

Ashley, I would like to take this time to thank you for taking the old adage “One bad apple, spoils the bunch” to full allegory of a diseased and rotted apple orchard. Your article on such sordid business is beautiful in its telling.

It also means that Lea doesn’t have to apologize. You know... ‘cause she can’t remember. *eyeroll*

“...I have asked our MPs in Ottawa to immediately begin preparations to erect a wall on our southern border.”


“I’m listening” is the equivalent of “Our prayers go out to the families...” I’m thinking that it is WELL past time to listen.

Also, the President that is known for approving the use of torture, in direct violation of the Geneva Convention, as well as imprisoning those same “enemy combatants” without trial, is hardly

We’re getting the same in Seattle.

I just saw a documentary on that and you are correct. After this past weekend, I would have compared him to Nero, except Nero was willing to share power and ended “closed door political trials.” 

Gah!!!! That’s SO frustrating! 

I really get frustrated when I hear that a friend of mine hasn’t voted. My feelings are: You don’t have the right to vote, but the responsibility to vote. Protesting by not voting is anathema to me. While our single, solitary vote doesn’t make much of a difference, as a group it has quite a bit of power. That is what

When my colleague told me about this, my response was, “Seriously??? I’m going to get chlamydia without the fun part???” She still laughs whenever I say “fun part.”

My colleague told me about that. Something to do with glaciers melting.

THAT is brilliant!!!

But I’ve been getting my cupcakes delivered.