Did that a few times; got tired of dodging drunks and loiterers.
Did that a few times; got tired of dodging drunks and loiterers.
is it a sport, though ? is Woods deserving of the title athlete in the same breath as Jordan, Jesse Owens, Ali ?
Given the insane time commitments Eve requires just to play, plus the CSM, I can’t imagine it leaves much time to work hard for tax-payers money.
There’s far more evidence, even if only circumstantial, for Russian collusion than there ever was for Pizzagate. We haven’t seen the results of Mueller’s investigation yet. Barr’s Summary doesn’t count.
Love the subject matter. Good luck with the book sales !
I’m inclined to agree. The moment Chicago PD Super Eddie Johnson started doing the morning talk show circuit I suspected this case was doomed.
The state fucked up. Chicago PD Eddie Johnson went on Good Morning America to gloat about his evidence. FBI forensics lab determining Smollet didn’t author or send the threat letter. The “brothers” record of homophobic statements on social media prior to this scandal. Smollet wasn’t gonna get a fair trial ..
not a plea bargain, lol.
Not bad, not bad.. but it doesn’t hold a candle to the vocal acrobatics of the Macho Man Randy Savage (God rest his soul).
I was mistaken then, thanks for pointing that out.
He is a House Rep. Electorally-speaking, he need not give a damn about what people outside his district think. All he worries about is making the voters and business interests of NW Iowa happy - the largest town is Sioux City - where most people are employed at Tyson Foods processing plant - if you don’t work there…
Spent some time on the school website and Wikipedia entry. I wish I could’ve gone to a multicultural school like North Bergen. My fate dictated I spend my teen years in 99% WASP-y, small town Tennessee.
Heheh.. no Glee-style Broadway mash-ups for this high school drama club!
Didn’t the laws passed a few years ago basically make any non-commercial website (and commercial sites that sell product to the US) accessible from the USA and its jurisdictions,, subject to US Law ? 8chan removes copyright content but isn’t hosting hate content etc etc in violation of certain European laws (like…
I think Woody Harrelson should get the part instead. He’s just got the right amount of rough around the edges for a Wild West town surgeon.
Even today I still get a shiver when I think of that scene in Bone Tomahawk. I watched it on a 5.1 Surround and you can really hear it riiipp. Ughh.
Republican beyond-the-pale cynicism of our democracy always astounds. Immediately following Congressman-scam Elect Harris’s initial withdrawal last week they put out a press release asking the public to “pray for him and his family while he recovers from his illness”.
As usual, Daddy whined and begged me down to $38 and told me “Honey, I’ll have to write a check”. That was the last time I let Daddy turn my sheets orange without getting his money up-front.
“...by crotch that had seen a lot of traffic”
The other team’s diplomats must laugh their heads off all the way back home.