
I learned that the UPS drivers memorize minutia just going about their daily routes. I was waiting for something I needed and realized the truck wouldn’t be at my house early enough, so I used the UPS app to find the truck a few blocks from my house. I go to flag down the driver and before my window is down, he’s

Same here. I tend to get talkative and overly polite. But some people are the opposite, unfortunately.

Completely for making an example of him, in front of everyone. I think parade him in front of all the residents who lost their homes naked, let them throw tomato’s and lettuce, then stick him with a 95% of his total value fine and 3 years in prison.

I don’t drink prior to flying because I know that when I’m drunk, I’m everyone’s best friend - in my head. I’m not rude, not aggressive, not violent; just really happy. I’ve been told that it’s “charmingly annoying”. 

G-"wagen"  = "gangsta luxe"🤣🤣

Obviously people react differently to alcohol. I haven’t been drunk in decades, but I am like you, I get quieter than I already am and end up asleep in short order. My kid brother gets *violent* when he drinks. As in, he’s been in jail multiple times because of it. He just wants to fight everyone around him. His

this only happens BRIEFLY.... after a few minutes, bakes and tires are guaranteed to go first on the heavier car...

I’d be happy if they produced this, but I think it would look even better as a shooting brake. 

Honestly, it just feels like the folks in charge are just determined, for some baffling reason, to kill Chrysler by milking existing product until regs force discontinuation and starving the brand of new product. The answer, based on past history, is, they’re probably focused on the next merger; or, if not, they’re

Haha 300k will probably be on the low end the first year of these.

Waiting for the Honda 0 saloon.

Now with more CyberFugly!

This looks like a Balenciaga shoe.

I work in Seattle.  The Model 3/Model Y are basically every other car on the road.  It is TEDIOUS.  Especially white ones.  If you had to rob a bank and slip away quickly and then into traffic undetected like the Joker at the beginning of The Dark Knight, get one of these jellybeans.  

6/8th the cost, and who cares about slightly less hp when you can break the transmission at will


Outsource it to TCL and replace it for $200?

It’s sort of nebulous from the add. Says it’s $149 a month, and $999 due at signing. But there is the unpriced tax, title, license, options, and dealer fees.

The answer is “$totalled.00"

They must, of course, all over the world, in all kinds of climates. I was part of such a team for another mfgr, and when the cars weren’t being driven all over central Florida, they sat in an unshaded parking lot. However, there were no mirrored-glass skyscrapers nearby, in case that’s part of the issue, but the