
True but that was seemingly just in the VERY early says, like OG Roadster days, seems like when he dropped the Model S, he could do no wrong and people seemed to believe all his BS with things like Hyperloop, he is typically his “best” when OTHER people are in control, and he just spouts random shit.

He’ll never let go, Tesla is the only thing that makes him relevant and keeps him in the public eye no matter how much he mismanages it.

The first thing we did in both of our cars was to get car seat cameras. That way, even when they were little and not talkative (because I have no idea how anyone could forget that a three-year-old is in their backseat!), we would always see them in our forward-facing field of view.

It’s more likely to be methamphetamines. Meth psychosis leads people to do illogical, violent things like this. Her kids need to be placed with a stable, normal family. Her crimes should be felonies, not misdemeanors, given only the cost of replacing the windows. She should have an additional charge for damaging the

A straight-six might fit, but any one of a number of V4 motorcycle motors definitely would. The 120 horsepower mill out of a first-gen Yamaha V-MAX would do nicely; the 200 horsepower 2nd-gen motor might be overkill.

Not only a BMW but a 10+ year old entry level convertible BMW

It is a criminal network.    This story is a romanticed version of what is really going on.

The sponsor, who writes the letter telling the government they will finance the whole trip, ditched her. He must have had good money to bring someone that bankrupt. I couldn’t even get my fiancé to get her visa and she has her own business and I make a decent salary.

The engine ain't bad either.... 3800 pushrod V6 ftw. 

This is the correct answer.

Suspect cost is the reason.  

They had better hope there are no river rocks near the dealership. They can tend to capriciously fly through the air around three in the morning, landing, unfortunately, on completely innocent new Kias. No one should assist these wayward river rocks in the least during their youthful exuberant rockish pranking,

Either they got a conditional approval, based on proof of income, and it later fell through.

It sounds like he wasn’t actually “approved” by any finance institution (ie. bank). The dealer guessed some bank WOULD take the loan but, when he wasn’t approved / approved at the terms the dealer guessed, they simply said “oops”

Your post makes the point that it’s impossible to define the “perfect” car. Even in my mid-50s, I could less about cloud like driving. I don’t need luxury in a car. It’s a utility not a comfort (for me.).   My M2 is hard as hell to get in and out of, is impractical with only 2 doors, hard as heck ride, but once I turn

Or change the regs so that to drive any vehicle over 6000 pounds requires a commercial drivers’ license.

There’s no more direct (legal) incentive than financial, so this solution is definitely the cleanest line to reduced demand.  

I think it would be a win for all of us if Tesla fanboys were incapable of reproducing.

Considering some videos I've seen of people getting NOES Johnny Depped by the interior edge of the bed, I'm with you.  I wouldn't be betting my wedding tackle on the strength of my jeans in that situation. 

 In my experience, all a Masters proves is enough time and money (usually daddy's) to go to school. A degree sadly does not denote smart or common sense.