
@jscarpetta: It kills in the ultraportable aspect for sure! I think people have the expectation in part because of the Alienware machine. But to this, I have to say it's got nothing on the Air in terms of weight and thickness. I've played with the M11 and it's sweet, but it doesn't feel appreciably more luggable. Plus

@vsound: How about you vote for people instead of the letter next to their name?

@jscarpetta: Only thing is, if you're going for travel companion, why not just go whole hog and grab the 11"?

@davidahn: Eh, I have an Intel SSD in my MBP and when I use up the memory and it goes to swap, you can tell it's still getting slow. For me 2GB is just woefully insufficient.

@malacandro: It's just so annoying that it isn't there, that I'd have to get another piece and to lug it around. About 10 years ago I had a nice Pentium Thinkpad. It was 12", very portable, great for taking to classes, etc. But being that old it didn't have Ethernet. I went through quite a few PCcards that either

@Ricorich196: Reasonably, yes, I do. But being able to run everything I need concurrently is more important than it doing any one thing fast.

@mk2000: You're right. My bad. I only saw one in the picture. There's one on the other side. The lack of ethernet is still a huge killer for me.

I want to like it. I really do.

How do you know it's fiction? Hacker chicks are never that hot.

Why was this cross posted to Gizmodo? It has nothing to do with gadgets. Please keep your gossip where it belongs.

PeerGuardian will NOT save you. I used it, kept it up to date and got an ISP letter. Then I gave up torrent (for anything that isn't Linux distros)

@D.A.S.: Even if I prefer a dedicated gaming platform, my phone is the gaming platform I always have on me. I have Final Fantasy: what is a dedicated platform REALLY offering me, other than physical buttons?

@Jim Hsu: Neverwinter Nights! Some of the user created content was better than the original. Some of it was better than 95% of the RPG games I'd played! Consoles are too locked down to allow it.

@Jim Hsu: Neverwinter Nights. The user created modules, some of them were BETTER than the original content. Stuff that was only capable with SERIOUS modding. Custom 3D work, all of it. But even without that, this gets back to why the iPad will not replace the PC either, content creation! Even without 'modding', there

Two words: Interface limitations. Console games strive to be accessible. Mice and keyboards would be intimidating, but they offer so much more. But it's hard to use a mouse from your couch. I bought DragonAge on Steam. I bought it for my brother for Christmas, as an Xbox game. It's the 'same' game, but after playing

Except they are behind...this would have played well BEFORE the AppStore. Now? I have more games on my phone than I know what to do with. iPhone is a serious gaming platform. Android isn't exactly a slouch either. Why buy this over an Evo or an iPhone? Hell, with all the free and cheap games, it's no wonder that PSP

As someone who already has a 2 octave MIDI M-Audio keyboard, this is win.