
@A.Jaswal: Right! And Steve Ballmer never trashed the iPad and touted tablets. Or said the iPhone would never get any significant market share and then started copying it. Nintendo never bad mouthed discs and then started using them. Sony never bad mouthed Microsoft for charging for XBL and then started offering

@Ghostnappa9001: Only slightly more powerful? Benchmarks, anyone?

@A.Jaswal: Because other companies never do this, right?

Ultraportable is not the same as a "netbook". Lenovo (and IBM before it) has been making them for years. Netbooks are differentiated by their price and lower horsepower.

It's all a bit contradictory:

lol no 3g

This is exactly why I abstain from posting/linking/commenting anything on Facebook.

@RandySinger: What they always do? Pfft. Someone's forgotten about the mediocre crap, like original AppleTV. I also have a dual G5 sitting in the corner unplugged, because while it was fast as hell, it was also the loudest goddamned computer ever made.

You guys still don't get it. It's called marketing.

@demonic_pascal: No. Apple may maintain a downmarket phone ALA the $99 iPhone, but a great number of people go for the free phone. Apple will never dilute their brand by going there, but someone will make an Android phone there. Same way that iPad may be eating into netbook sales, but it'll never kill them.

The only thing I'm angry about is Retcon to make Han shoot first. I know George wants to revise things, but this wasn't something that was 'impossible' with the technology of the time, it was just an outright change that alters a character pretty significantly. I have issue with that.

@Clashwerk: I have an iPhone 4, 2 Macbooks and a Hackintosh. I'm definitely hip deep in Apple. But I'm really waiting for a 200-300 Android tablet that gets it all 'right'.

Linux beats the pants off everyone else though. But Linux is designed to be modular in a way that Windows and OS X don't care about so much.

@LeftClicker: I keep my Macbook Pro running for weeks at a time. This isn't constant use though, as a fair chunk of this time is sleeping with the lid closed.

@BadAsh: It'll never be THAT expensive. Anything illegal is already massively marked up.

@BadAsh: Most people would not go to the trouble of growing their own, the same way most people go to the store to buy beer instead of brew it. Yes, there would be a thriving enthusiast culture, but they would be minorities.

@SQLGuru: Assuming he went to a library and used Craigslist? probably 50-100 bucks.

What would have happened, I wonder, if he had trashed the device?