Darth Saruman

Match Game seemed tailor made for Craig Ferguson but either way, I am glad it's back!

Bob Johnson! oh sorry…

I couldn't agree more. "They" are so terrified of having a "boring" show. It's like, why did you hire Ferguson in the first place? There is nothing boring about the guy!

it's too heavily edited because they are trying to eliminate that "scary" dead air that tv execs hate. Yet it's that dead air that made The Late Late show with Fergy Ferg so awesome in the first place. Just give me one angle and an uncut 30 minute conversation(or longer!).


this reminds me of that Jim Gaffigan joke: "Hey I just saw Heat!"

I didn't realize that was b.s. too.

Is it possible you could at least THINK you got hit if you were flying close to the chopper that actually was hit? Giving him the benefit of the doubt here.

yeah and the Blues died the day Robert Johnson was poisoned. Your a nerd, I'm a nerd. Let's just move on and admit that Comedy Bing Bong is awesome!!!

agreed. Samberg is not that funny in my opinion. He overdoes it.

Comedy Bang Bang to me is the reincarnation of Space Ghost: Coast To Coast. And that is a very good thing.