
Sorry, it's hard to see sarcasm through hollow text.

He absolutely despises comic book films.

Which you haven't provided one ounce of. Google obesity, the first 5 medical websites say you're a liar.

They also stem from obesity.

You're a disgusting liar, every doctor will you tell you the same. Being fat is not natural or healthy for you.

Watch them again, especially Rocky 3(?) and 4, he is ripped.

One can only hope.

That's not new, it goes back to the 70s with Stallone and Schwarznegger.

I DO know that, every person with eyes knows that. Obesity leads to increased heart issues, diabetes, gout etc you don't need to be a doctor to know that.

She's still dangerously obese, you being offended at that doesn't change it.

I don't think Beema has played any of them, half of them include mandatory missions involving the death of animals.

They're fictional you know.

As I understand, there still is a mindtrip at some point.

Nope. lol

We've regressed, you may as well go back into that coma.