
It’s wild to me that the Executives decided to pick a fight with people who are literal household names, who are popular and well liked with the general public and who are incredibly skilled at presenting speeches and performances that are designed to get emotional responses from audiences.

To be fair, the entire internet model of “the user is actually the product” arose from 25 years where platforms were free and no one will pay for stuff they use.

If we were paying for the utility of the applications then its possible we wouldn’t be in as much of an environment where exploiting the user base would be the business model.

I’m a Reddit premium subscriber. I pay $60/year and I don’t get ads. That’s $5/month. Been doing it for a few years now and, at least for now I still like it.

Why in the world would Disney ever sell Star Wars? And where did you come up with this 5 year time frame?

The Deadline piece is why the WGA should be pushing for negotiations. They will almost certainly end up filing an NLRB complaint that AMPAS negotiated in bad faith, but actually trying to get them to negotiate would make that complaint stronger than quoting Deadline.

Yeah, but my point is, it is extremely irresponsible and reckless, and Picard should’ve put a stop to it the moment he found out. Data’s inability to manage his emotions compromises missions, and Picard blows him off. The way the movie handles this development is certifiable.

Data got mind-controlled so many times through TNG’s run that I’m not surprised he ended up doing it to himself.

That promotion was crazy. Can’t even imagine how much money went into this one totally naff sequence, all for a symbolic promotion for a character that is given no new responsibilities.

A big flaw of Generations is that the back story has back story.
The TOS films were relatively self-contained. At worst, you had to watch ONE episode of TOS to figure out who Khan was.

Generations features Picard’s nephew and brother, the Duras Sisters, and Data’s emotion chip. Those are all subject to several ongoing

My fave was blowing a big portion of the budget on the Stellar Cartography room. It shows up in one scene and has nothing to do with the plot. The conversation that Data and Picard have there could’ve taken place anywhere on the ship and saved them a ton of money in the process. 

It’s such a weird argument, too.

- “Test audiences hated it! They thought Kirk’s death was too sudden and unsatisfying.”
- “Great! That’s what we were going for!” 

On the DVD commentary, Moore and Braga make a full mea culpa that they were way too obsessed with doing things that would be unexpected, not considering that sometimes there’s a good reason stories typically play out a certain way. Kirk getting such a blah death was just one they happened to partly come to their

On the note of the Duras sisters, why even bother to bring them into the story if you’re just going to treat them as generic henchmen and then kill them?

Ha! I love the idea that Worf is just so done with getting his ass kicked, and having all his ideas shot down, that he decided it was time to let the Enterprise burn.

I like to imagine at this point Worf is just so tired of suggesting security measures he has completely stopped bothering. Or he just decides to say “fuck it, lets see what happens” because he knows the ship blowing up is the only way he’ll get to a different show and get some character growth.

Revisited Generations just a couple months ago, and a couple things that stood out to me.

A plot that lends itself to cinematic storytelling, like five of the previous six Trek films were, as well as the one that followed.

I was so much more upset with how they destroyed the Enterprise than how they killed off Kirk.    

I get that no one wants to be seen stanning either of these people, but I think it’s more than possible to acknowledge that while they’re both bad, Elon is much worse. And not only worse in the sense of “impact upon world,” but he’s somehow now cringier and more uncool seeming than Zuckerberg. M