
Even the Disney Pirates book that Disney commissioned and sells at the actual Pirates of the Caribbean shop in Disneyland talks about how unreliable Depp was during PotC 5 and how much money that cost the company.

If they’re saying that in their puff pieces, I can’t imagine they’re more fond of him in private.

 Imagine wasting your life typing this. 

It’s incredible how quickly shooting on The Volumehas gone from an incredible new innovation (and so vital to continued production in COVID times) to the biggest liability for any new Disney products.

Disney would be foolish to associate with Depp anymore. Regardless of the outcome of the trial he is far too controversial and polarizing. Disney wouldn’t touch him now with a 50 foot pole. 

I propose they reboot the franchise as Creepy Drunk Uncles of the Carribean, as that is the vibe that Depp puts out now. They can base each entry on a different Jimmy Buffett song.

How much did you get paid for this dickride?

Bruckheimer should look at how poorly the last two Pirates films did.

PotC 4 focused almost exclusively on Depp, and PotC 5 wasn’t far behind.

Maybe the box office cancelled Depp, not anyone else.

*Now streaming on Max!

Narrator: They weren’t.

Oh I get it now, Gob Bluth is in charge of HBO!

This is entirely about not having to pay residuals or broadcast rights fees.
WB got loaded up with WAY too much debt between its AT&T tenure and what Zaslav had to borrow to pull off the merger. Add in the popping of the streaming growth bubble and there’s pretty much no possible way for WB Discovery to grow it’s way

Zaslav’s strategy seems to be the equivalent of “why don’t they make the whole plane out of the black box?” That’s a hacky punchline and so is he.

Not only did he go on Alex Jones with Fuentes, but he was spouting so much crap that Jones tried to reel him in and he literally made Alex Jones look like the only normal person left in the room..

Jordan’s head is going to explode. 

He went on Alex Jones, and apparently even Alex Jones was like “Yikes” at some points.

I love their breakdowns. They have a great show

Shatner went on to star in TJ Hooker and several films”

Now that you mention it, TJ Hooker is exactly the kind of thing a cat would watch. 

Frankie Boyle did a joke about Stewart being resentful of “talking to some rubberhead alien when he’s a Shakespearean actor” and I always found it rude and shitty because Stewart was never that, to the point where he’s joked that all that Shakespeare was just training for an icon like Picard (and that says a lot