
Jack Sparrow sucked up all the oxygen in the fourth and fifth movies, to the detriment of the other characters, story, etc.

I am gay, so please allow me to issue a formal “oh no! Anyway...” on behalf of my community.

The producers definitely seem scared of giving anyone else good lines or hiring charismatic actors with Depp in the picture.

The last one was fine, although it was setting up a series with new, younger characters that were unfortunately completely uninteresting. But it was a nice button on the Davey Jones’ curse storyline and a natural place to end the original set of movies.

(Coming from a guy who had a Jack Sparrow poster above his bed in highschool) The Johnny Pirates films are dead. I loved this franchise as a kid and I can clearly see that Margot Robbie rebooting this is a great way to revitalize this dead franchise.

Are people seriously this butthurt over “pirates are boys” type thinking?

“a wholly original story with new characters under the Pirates moniker,”

- this sounds way better than the Depp starring Pirates 6 people think that they want.

Don’t call it “female-led Pirates” tho just call it the Margot Robbie starring Pirates films and suddenly the anti-woke armies will chill tf out. Harley Quinn

Aw she actually seems like the actress to make this happen. I dont understand how people couple think Pirates of the Caribbean 6 starring Depp is a bigger priority than this..... the last one was bad people....

It wasn't the top rated TGIF show at the time (that would be Sabrina), but it's a well regarded one with a strong and apparently continually growing fanbase. It even got a follow-up series that lasted for 3 seasons with its own strong fanbase. Sometimes shows have a strange staying power.

The kids who watched that show are now the adults with “disposable income” that can listen to podcasts and maybe buy some of the products in the ads.

Even with that, though, I always got the impression that if Topanga ever just, like, ripped open a raincoat to show nothing underneath and said “I’m yours, do to me what you will,” Cory would have made some kind of a gurning face, made a Curly-esque nyeh-nyeh-nyeh noise, and run screaming in the opposite direction.

I’m no business genius, but I can't see how getting rid of three quarters of your workforce is going to make your product better.

Agreed, but also:  Bring back Larry Wilmore!

UK has some very solid panel shows. Buzzcocks, QI, the Big Fat Quizzes...

I’m a former prosecutor (including sexual assault), and if I could clarify your points: first this is a civil trial, not a criminal case. The state isn’t prosecuting; an individual is suing for money damages (jail and prison are off the table). The standard of proof you referred to from your criminal case is beyond a

lol... BuzzFeed, while yes being a list and quizzes site, also has some great investigative journalism pieces from time to time.

I always remember this one. Back in the days before every motel offered an included breakfast, breakfast on the road for us as a family meant those Kellog’s variety packages. My older brother and sister would always take the sweet cereals, like Corn Pops and Applejacks, leaving Product 19 and All Bran for me and my

According to the trolls sure

Major props for just straight-up putting two guys in Doomcock masks as Intelligensia’s mouthpiece. This show just does not give a single fuck about telling these assholes “Yeah, we’re talking about you specifically.”

My mom’s side of the family are all from Duluth, where it’s stranger if snow is not on the ground at Halloween.