
the pop star-actor performing cunnilingus on the dining room table.

They couldn’t find their chill in Hawaii, Iceland and Vermont of all places. A studio mandated fancy schmancy rehab probably isn’t going to do it.

I mean, minimalist women that don’t care about furniture do exist - I’ve met plenty of them. If a gal goes to your place and thinks you’re less desirable because you don’t have a lot of furniture - well, great! She probably wasn’t the one! What a time-saver!

The thing is: you can grow out of that mindset. Women are growing out of the mindset that they “need” a man and they are adapting accordingly.

I mean, I don’t want to be super snarky at the OP because, like I say, he doesn’t seem like a bad person, it just seems a little impersonal to treat meeting people like a life hack.

I feel like a lot of the general ‘standards’ that women are looking for are just good standards to cultivate in general. Learning to

Oh oh!

I mean, the problem with your approach is that you’re essentially talking about pretending to be someone else. You can’t pick 10-12 characteristics and “make” yourself have them if you don’t. All you can do is fake it, and women aren’t stupid. If, beneath the behavior, you don’t respect women/don’t like to

Yeah, this is really weird. You (by which I mean the OP) don’t need to have a checklist of 10-12 qualities that all women are looking for. Just don’t be a total asshole, take care of basic hygiene, and be willing to let connections develop naturally. Go out with friends and have a good time, and if you meet someone

You could have 100 women write down 10 things they are looking for from their ideal partner, compile that data and create a list of 10 or 12 things that women are looking for, become the ideal embodiment of those things, make it your life’s work to make sure that you have those 10 or 12 characteristics, and you can

“You could have 100 women write down 10 things they are looking for from their ideal partner, compile that data and create a list of 10 or 12 things that women are looking for, become the ideal embodiment of those things, make it your life’s work to make sure that you have those 10 or 12 characteristics, and you

Wow, this is telling me that is time to invest in building one-bedroom small apartments so people can afford to live alone.

That is a huge part of it. I am not a prude, but I can’t imagine what that would have done to me in my formative years.  

Not for nothing, but expectations for childcare alone perfectly demonstrate how men are “mediocre.” Guy gets a standing ovation for picking up his child from school and “babysitting” while mom is out. MOM is the one that likely had to tell him to pick up the kid and schedule pickup privileges with the school- and if

I can’t believe 15 years of pretty much unfettered teenage access to hardcore porn has resulted in men who don’t know how to be in healthy relationships.

How am I supposed to know what you like?! I’m not a mind reader!

Find you somebody who loves you the way Ezra Miller loves doing crimes

The problem is this goes beyond “sucks” and is now “is an active danger to anyone in their vicinity”, it’s hard to spin that.

The most important thing I learned from this earnings call is that HBO Max is for men and Discovery+ is for women.

I was hoping for a dollar figure somewhere in the “causes a painfully fatal aneurysm” range.