The Courier-Journal story is behind a paywall. Any details as to what this deal entails, these kinds of headlines set my “bad faith” alarms off.
The Courier-Journal story is behind a paywall. Any details as to what this deal entails, these kinds of headlines set my “bad faith” alarms off.
“Reportedly,” and the “report” is conveniently behind a paywall. But good job flushing out all the anti-Dem bots and doomtrolls, I guess.
Ok, some clarification may be in order here regarding the context.
First of all, the only thing Biden can promise is a nomination. He can’t promise any votes from the Democratic caucus, and he can’t promise that no Democratic Senator won’t filibuster the nomination (and under existing rules any Democratic Senator can…
The 4th and 5th ones didn’t do great, and I would argue that they would have been better building out the universe with new characters.
Multiverses is infinite. Presumably, if they went to enough of them they’d find a different Christine, different Strange. They touched on the idea that some universes are super similar and some super different. We saw this in Loki as well and He Who Remains sort of eluded to the different variants he has from…
This. To add on: Depp's asking price has not really matched the success of movies where he is the lead or main cast member in years. Pre-allegations, his star had been fading... Yet he kept getting massive paydays in spite of it all.
Why would they want him back for a leading role in the newest one. The 4th and 5th ones didn't do great, and I would argue that they would have been better building out the universe with new characters. You know, make it feel more lived in and less like it rotates around a single (or small number) of character(s).
Why? Three different looking Spider-Mans met each other in the Marvel film that came out just prior to this. And only maybe 50% of Lokis looked like Hiddleston.
On the other hand, there were 3 different Peters Parker.
He’s actually pretty great on Strange New Worlds.
Inhumans was... underwhelming.
the Illuminati—consisting of a bunch of fan-favorite cameos from beloved superheroes and actors, as well as Black Bolt of the Inhumans.
helping elect Republicans will surely get us the votes we need to do anything!
Definitely keep whining incessantly about Democrats.
What’s the point of performative actions that are doomed to fail? Or taking a kitchen sink approach that will take years when there are already multiple states where abortion is now illegal? The concrete plan is to keep the House and the Senate in the midterms while adding enough seats in the latter chamber to abolish…
Not likely, for all the reasons outlined in the article below. Basically, the majority of Native Americans get their healthcare through the government. Since the Hyde Amendment has excluded abortion care from the healthcare these Native Americans receive, these populations have developed their own systems to access…
Whenever they get around to making a real FF movie, assuming that Krasinski is indeed not cast as the “real” Reed, they should still have versions of him pop in through multiverse portals every so often only to be immediately killed in increasingly absurd ways.
How would this supposed plan not run afoul of the Hyde Amendment? And even if it didn’t in what universe would it not immediately be tied up in the courts eventually finding its way to an obviously very hostile SCOTUS?
I know this is nigh-on impossible for someone addicted to fame, but how hard is it to just keep your head down and shut the fuck up for a couple of years? The Rust scandal is tragic and a monumental screw-up, but I’d say most people don’t blame Baldwin directly. But they also don’t want to see Baldwin’s increasingly…
There’s a difference between saying that “Manchin isn’t a Democrat”, and saying that the Democratic party should not be held accountable for Manchin’s behavior given the fact that he’s insulated from the pressure and influence the party at large can typically bring to bear against its members as a mechanism of…