And honestly...primaries always have some degree of intra-party blood letting depending on what race you look to. This really doesn’t shock me. You look to the Senate race, that was pretty much settled for the Democrats. Many of the House races were settled as well. This one had a bit of blood-letting and has to end…
Where did I say that?
Well, to be fair one is a gov’t-issued ID and one isn’t.
Well with that in mind a handful of weirdos will buy all the fixtues and make the sale a wash!
All of them.
I wouldn’t even buy that company to asset-strip it. You just don’t know how many of the office fittings Weinstein masturbated over.
So much less of an annoyance. If Lucas had thought ahead, he could’ve eliminated Yoda’s gimmer stick from Episodes I-III and only introduced it after his fight with the Emperor, to have the excuse of “Yoda was so badly injured in his fight with the Emperor he couldn’t even try to take him on again.”
Especially because Obi-Wan actually, y’know, WON.
I don’t think I could have asked for a more perfect ending of this series. These last few episodes really seemed to be doing everything Rebels every did well exceptionally and all the awful things sparingly.
I guess the idea this season goes for is that both Ezra and Ahsoka are presumed dead and are in fact unavailable during the events of the OT—stranded far away from the action until after the Empire’s defeated. It’d make sense that Yoda and Obi Wan were unaware they were alive, since the Force doesn’t make them…
Ahh no. It’s very good but let’s not go off the deep fucking end.
I don’t know how far in advanced this was planned.
Heir to the Empire hasn’t been canon since Disney took over. However, the basic setup for some form of Heir to the Empire remains: in Heir, Thrawn wasn’t in the Original Trilogy because he was in the galaxy’s Unknown Regions. This episode sees him transported (along with Ezra and his ship) to parts unknown. Also, the…
You’re assuming that either Ahsoka or Ezra were in a position to contact Luke, and idk why you’d assume that.
JJ Abrams: “Gesundheit!”
Agree with the A rating. A rating for the last 4 episodes for sure.
Sorry, no, this is absolute horseshit.
“So... what would you say you DO here.”