
The thing is, Star Trek: Discovery season 4 and Strange New Worlds season 1 both filmed on a Volume-style virtual set, and the cinematography was stunning. I have no clue why the Disney+ shows look so muddy in comparison.

The Lone Ranger was a huge flop for Disney as well. Combined with Depp’s personal issues and lack of professionalism while filming, I’d be surprised (and disappointed) if they brought him back.

“Check your app, pal, because you’re watching Fuck City, now streaming on HBO Max!”

He went on ALEX JONES? Holy shit, I can’t wait for next week’s Knowledge Fight podcast!

Huge Star Trek fan since birth. TNG and its era were my jam as a kid, but I like the Kelvin movies for what they are. While I love my morality plays and spatial anomalies, I think there’s room in the franchise for all kinds of stories and genres, including action movies, comedies, etc.

You’re right, but I don’t think stupidity is to blame. COVID greatly accelerated the “theater to streaming” pipeline, especially for animation, and studios are still playing catchup. In a few years, I’d wager that movies like this will either no longer exist, or go straight to streaming on significantly lower budgets.

Don’t forget to set up an alternate login if you use Twitter to access Kinja or any other accounts!

What the hell are regionals?

I’m 100% here for a Pirates movie led by Margot Robbie or Karen Gillan. If they can get Hans Zimmer back to score it, even better.

The new characters never have a chance, with Jack Sparrow still hanging around and chewing all the scenery.

Rider Strong wasn’t wrong, but I don’t think BMW would’ve been greenlit if it had included more mature themes and content, at least not in the U.S.

The families aren’t a monolith, though, and if none of them responded, that should’ve been a hint to Murphy that it was too soon to be making a flashy, true-crime drama out of the Dahmer murders.

Gets rid of all that pesky institutional knowledge.

Going solely by the headline, I was expecting a Jeopardy! style rotating host arrangement that pisses everyone off.

Trimming other people’s trees in the middle of the night seems like a bad idea in general, and an especially bad idea in the Land of Ye Holy Open Carry.

I always wanted to try this for the name alone, but apparently it’s been discontinued.

It’s the passing resemblance between this guy and a younger Kelsey Grammer that makes it funny.

Pleasantly surprised to see that only one state chose Snickers.

Holy crap, it’s already open?! Well, there goes my afternoon.