Darth Planet

It’s almost like performance art- it doesn’t matter if it’s bad or good, it matters that it happened. Yes, the game is total ass, but if you approach it knowing and accepting that, you can get an experience out of it. Especially when the game is less than a quarter. Plus, it’s way, way too late to convince everyone

sounds like that seinfeld episode with kramer and the chicken roaster billboard

Capcom shelved Mega Man and tried some different DLC tactics, sure, but it’s not even the same league as what Konami’s doing.

Fuck you Konami, seriously... FUCK YOU.

All those bright flashing colours and hyper-active pop-up numbers... they definitely got the Silent Hill aesthetic down eh.

Pretty much the vibe that I got.

And those 9 year olds are now edgy 12 year olds. They like different things.

There is absolutely no gaming site that writes as much as about “Five Nights at Freddy’s” OR about “Pewdiepie” as Kotaku does lately.

But it’s more real than most of those dumb videos.

Isn’t his entire thing just a show/reaction put on to please fans? Like, he’s not a critic or reviewer is he? He’s basically a presenter, and that job is literally all about faking reactions.

Basically, he has grown up.

Maybe he just got tired of acting like a complete jackass just to make some 9-year olds laugh.

Good eye. Something is always going to give away your true emotion.

I think the idea is he’s not doing the “yelling and waving arms” thing that he used to do

That’s why gaming youtube as a community annoys me. It’s kids (as for secondhand evidence, my brother is 13 and all he does all day is watch Let’s Play and all that) that click on the thumbnail that has a man making the most crazy face imaginable with a clickbait-style title.

Doesn’t emote? He’s clearly trying to suppress the emotion.

This might be controversial, but I’d love to have the RE4 camera/combat system for RE2. I’ve never liked tank controls and the randomness of the “aim up to headshot, maybe” annoyed me. I enjoyed RE4’s pseudo-tank controls and the ability to aim much more.

Resident Evil 2 with HD Leon’s hair?

Well, the Darkside Chronicles was actually very good as a remake of sorts, but no puzzles.

“Batman’s buttler...”, you thought no one would know who Alfred is?