
1. He’s a Republican.

Nah. I think it’s all pretty much bullshit no matter how you slice it.

and the There/They’re mistake, in addition to everything else this goddamn fool tweets. I’d get depressed, but I’m already an Arsenal fan.

As opposed to all those fine Republican voters at white supremacy rallies.

Every goddamn time. Because the “...” means they’re not fucking done telling you about how much better it makes them. Born again self-righteous, filled with the power of hypocrisy, and driven by anger at those who will never know the love of JEEBUS. Feel the love, heathen!

It’s also because, if you listen to a Born

Oh I know full well that that is the Gagsden flag... it’s sadly been appropriated by the Tea Party as one of their main symbols.

That’s not how a semi automatic works.

Oh look! All Republicans! What a shock.

8 Texas congressmen (R, Duh!) voted against hurricane Sandy relief when it hit New Jersey back in ‘12.

I mean, who else would go to one of these things, and for what other reason?

The Alt-left is not the issue here, Walter! They peed on my fucking rug!

I’m talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Across this line, you DO NOT... Also, Dude, alt-left is not the preferred nomenclature. Libtards, please.

So I guess it’s going to happen to you any day now.

I was obese growing up and bullied every day. It was only recently when I heard that a type of behavior was assault, and I in fact had been not only bullied but assaulted (spat on, held down and kicked etc.) One day, one of my worst tormentors was doing some awful thing to me and I just punched him in the nose. I ran

Don’t forget about the talking bush, the talking snake, and the guy that managed to cram two of every species of animal into a boat the size of a small freighter, including dinosaurs, according to some.

Don’t forget the talking bush!


There was a talking donkey in Shrek so that must be true.

Ah, another example of Christian love and tolerance. Per usual.

My favorite as well, cheers to you