
Very good point. Exceedingly good!

I'm glad Guybrush made the list, but what about Max from Sam and Max, or Ben from Full Throttle. Also, having more than one character from franchises like Gears of War and especially Call of Duty is a bit ridiculous. Also, Altair's more popular than Ezio? Really? Where's the Bioshock love? No Big Daddy? And yes,

I am totally willing to put my faith in their abilities. I just hope they don't make a non-Halo Halo. Make something I can get as invested in, but that has it's own universe. Space marines can only be done so many ways, and most videogame companies can't be bothered to even make them worthwhile. Bungie hit it out of

I'm just going to go out and say it. I don't care. I've seen a very small handful of Criterion collection movies, and the lion's share of them I don't WANT to see. GO ahead and have it Hulu. I'm going to go watch Netflix.

Samsung should sue them, then try to trademark the letter S. It's the American way!

I don't know if you guys have heard of it, but we have a new fangled dohickey called the internet, where you can get news for free. I haven't had any newspaper or magazine subscriptions in about a decade. News is not inherantly better because the reporters are "professionals" and they have their stuff painted on dead

Maybe Halo fans find more inherant value in their vice than CoD fans do. But seriously, both of those prices, considering the hours of entertainment I generally get out a Halo map, are dirt cheap. If people are whining, but they go ahead and pay anyway, which they always do, then who cares.

I'd have to say Mario for early stuff. It's all accepted as normal now, but look at the world the guy inhabits. For modern games, I don't think it gets much more artistically relevant than Shadow of the Collasus, Rez, and Bisohock.

Okay, I liked AOE3. It was pretty much the same style of game with some new stuff, most of which worked, added in. The guy now works for Farmville, inc. so I don't think his opinion should mean anything. Farmville is the death of world builder strategy games.

So...you just wanted to compain about the PS controller? This is a gamecube controller. What are you talking about?

I've got a Droid on verizon, and I've never had trouble installing PDAnet or any updates for it.

It's funny how this is all coming to a head for me personally. I didn't touch my DS for about 2 years. I would take it with me when I went to a con or to visit with family, but it never got used. All of the sudden, I got this need to play it. I hadn't played the newest Zelda yet, so that became my gateway. Now I can't

@Philip.J.Fry: What makes you think they haven't been doing this all along anyway. I'm under the assumption that this is not new. For that matter, I bet you AT&T does the same thing, but you haven't noticed.

I'm done. I'm not going to purchase any more SquareEnix games, as they have forgotten how to make a good game. Instead they make something that takes all the worst parts of the experience, amplify them, and they "innovate" the rest of the game right out of the percieved genre. Go ahead, release a sequel to the worst

I consider Master Chief to simply be another in the great line of spaghetti western or samurai movie characters. They don't talk endlessly about what needs to be done, and exactly why it needs to be done. They just do it.

@magus-21: Well, then, using the premise of the article, that just simply means that you are one-dimensional.

They're trying to make us pick TV we want to watch?!?!?!?! NOOOOOO!!!!! Launch the nukes, the world has ended.

@DarthMonkey: I should mention that I Google imaged this, and mine doesn't have the Mazda logo on it, but is very obviously from the same mold for the handle.

If it ain't broke...

Yes, technology has progressed. Yes, the DS and 3DS both have several technologies that didn't even exist back then. Yes, the added capabilities and conveniences cost money.