
@batman3ds: Regardless of the update process at Gizmodo, the fact that they wrote a sesationalizing headline with contradicting substence in the article proper says they don't have the best sense of journalistic integrity. Tabloids are pretty much only this, certain magazines do this on their cover stories to get

@YellowRex: No, price, quality, style, battery life, screen size/res, etc. There are lots of places for them to go on a hardware-centric approach. If they can't differentiate their phone from the rest, maybe they don't deserve our money.

@chefgon: The old guard of "smartphone" OS's (read glorified PDA's) is dying out. Good riddence. Now if only we could get people to stop going on about their Balckberries as if they have ANYthing to offer us in the age of iPhones and Androids.

Wasn't there a similar issue with the iMac line not all that long ago? Is it the same issue? They seem to be handling it better this time around, at least.

I hate it when watching a digital version of a station, and they broadcast content in letterbox in 4:3 mode. So on my 42" television there's a giant black frame encompassing more than half the screen realestate on all sides around a show. Charter loves to do that with stations that are available in HD, but which

@JesusDeSaad: I can't speak to that one, personally. I like Metallica's music quite a bit, but from prior experience trying to play their riffs in a rythym game is more about frustration for it's own sake than mearly difficult gameplay. I get sick of any song pretty quickly if I only hear the first 34% of it a few

@GE128: The tracklist is the farthest from my mind in reagards to RB3. It's all about the new instruments. Keyboards FINALLY, and real, actual guitars. Actually learning to play songs on a real instrument in an environment I plan to spend many hours in anyway is beyond cool. They've said DLC form RB2 will still

When Brian May had said he'd like to do a Rock Band game, having seen Beatles RB, I was happy. Queen is practically the only other band I'd like to have an exclusive game for. Now we have Green Day RB (don't care), and GH is doing Queen (maybe)?!?! I haven't seen a decent GH game since 2, and their band specific

@fuchikoma: No, Guitar Hero exists to show us how much cooler Rock Band is. Rock Band 3 is pretty much game over for Guitar Hero anyway. GH's cookie-cutter is getting really dull.

@DarthMonkey: NOT even. There's a word missing above.

@Grunthor: The overwhelming majority of their in-house games are excellent, and there have been 3rd party gems like No More Heroes, but when I compare the overall experience on my Wii as compared to the Xbox, I find it lacking. I enjoyed Mario Galaxy 1, but got to the last star system, and stopped playing it. I'm

@SkuldChan: Yeah, it's just that sometimes the app designer has done something new or clever, and I want that, but some other part of the app is prohibitively broken. Also, the current app market doesn't seem to sort the apps by rating, so sometimes searching for an app that works well means installing 5 that don't

@Mr. Bean: Well, at least you'll know where you are when you crash into the other car while texting, so you know what to tell 911.

@TailsNZ: Shh. Don't give them any ideas.

If it doesn't perform to the standards that Apple wants, then they don't go ahead with it. I think it's a bit needlessly silly in relation to backgrounds as a subject matter, but it's a sound principal that I would be glad for in other companies. As an Android user, I often come up against apps that just don't work

This is not out of the ordinary, nor is it really something that I would be worried about. I'm guessing anonymous might actually mean anonymous, meaning there will be no identifier tied to the data at all. It just polls every so often, then they can get averages of how many people are using their phones for what

@ghost4: So, you are presented with an argument that Up! (which you haven't seen) is as good or better than Totoro, and your response is "Lol?" Way to back up your claims. Were you on the debate team? Incidentally, the reason Totoro is in Toy Story 3 is because John Lasseter, the head of Pixar, is pretty much

@dennis636223: NO, you really did make some good points, that is true. I just don't quite buy the whole package. Your facts are straight, but your conclusions are flawed in my opinion. I'm always snarky, and I wasn't trying to insult you on a personal level.

@Jouen: I seem to be doing just fine. Your gold star has nothing to do with your ability to comment intelligently 100% of the time. I'm sorry you feel that it entitles you to be holier than thou, but it doesn't.