Burning it all down only sounds good if you have the privilege of not being on fire.
The cruelty is the point.
God, I really REALLY can’t wait for the changeover to occur and we can kick this bitch to the curb. Her and her goddamn family are as cancerous as the fucking Trumps.
What are the facts that do not require discussion? Im intrigued.
What you call inflammatory are just uncomfortable facts about our political reality. The fact that the opposition will never act in good faith is not a reason to censor ourselves and walk on eggshells.
These are the same assholes that invited Diamond and Silkk to speak at a fucking Congressional hearing, after all.
The dude got heat stroke building houses and was back out there the next day at 90, he is one tough SOB.
Former President Jimmy Carter is officially the longest living U.S. president in history. Please clap for the peanut man.
This is going to make me anxious all weekend (and likely longer). Up until now the Mueller Report has been kind of a Schrödinger’s cat situation, and I’m nervous to see if the cat* is in fact alive.
i want to read it from start to finish, but i know i’ll just skip to the end to see if trump dies.
I sincerely believe that someone could debate him into a heart attack if they tried.
Dear Lord, the only thing I want to see this year is either an interviewer or debate opponent asking Trump how can he call someone a bad husband when Trump is the one raw-dogging porn stars while his third wife was pregnant.
I don’t know, I bet Fox News told him they wouldn’t ask about his feud with McCain. During the roast on Comedy Central no one was allowed to mention how much money he was actually worth.
They got along. McCain voted for Trump. Worked to elect him. Voted with him in the Senate more than 80% of the time. Made sure he died as a Senator so a Republican could appoint a Republican Senator instead of putting the seat up for a new election.
“No crazy. You’re the crazy”
“I’m not crazy. You’re the one who’s crazy!”
“I thought you weren’t supposed to bring it up.”
I would really love to see the loading and unloading of the frog freezers.