Darth Mole

I think some people will just use it as a day off, but I think most people will go vote.

Also, I read Bitch McConnell’s last opinion piece on how the democrats letting people vote is trying to shift the power to the left. By that same logic, wouldn’t that mean that the voting system in its current iteration is

You are 100% correct.  There are many more pieces to this than just a voting day.  At its heart, the issue is the GOP does not want to make voting as easy as getting coffee.  If it was, they know they are on the wrong side of history. 

This seems optimistic.

Am I the only one that almost breaks his mouse-wheel when scrolling past the fuckface-in-chief’s tweets?

Here’s another choice bit from that Christie thread.

You’re a real big shot,” I yelled back to him, gesturing with one hand and holding my ice cream cone in the other.

Speaking as a sentient being!

‘Hip’ young person? “We’ve got this guy, but he’s really neither cool nor hip, just young.”

So the GOP’s still doing that “we’ve got one too!!!” game?

“Nobody should ever be murdered for their political opinion, but the second clause of this sentence is unnecessary.”

Of course the conservative AOC is a man. 

I know this dude from living in his district; I even knew him when he was a teenager already dreaming of a dynastic political career, all greedy-eyed ambition with no regard for civic duty. He’s an utterly charmless, excruciatingly arrogant, douchebag. Absolutely NO charisma and deeply stupid in every way possible. I

Chicken and egg question: Are all these guys’ faces punchable because they’re Republicans or do they become Republicans because they have punchable faces. 

Speaking as a heterosexual women, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is so much hotter.

Bless his heart.

I didn’t know the Hapsburgs were still around. 

Never tweet. 

Are those 5k troops additional to 5k that Field Marshal Bolton wants to send to Colombia? Is he planning some kind of pincer movement to roll up all of Central America? It’d be much cheaper to build a wall across the tiny Isthmus of Panama, after all.

feeling kind of bad for Benny the whole time

I have no objection to HRC being President. I voted for her. I would vote for her again if it came to that.