Darth Meow 504

And how has that worked out? Has marijuana been eliminated, or even reduced? What exactly has been the result except a bunch of people getting rich from the black market distribution of contraband and a whole ton of otherwise innocent citizens being jailed and their lives ruined forever when they’ve never harmed

They’ve never answered because there IS no fucking answer, it’s magical thinking and a pure wishful response to a situation that NOBODY likes. The difference is some people can handle reality and others refuse to. There IS NO magic wand that can eliminate guns from the nation or world, it;s 19th century technology for

I wanted the Trans/Am and a Corvette. The T/A of course had to be black and gold with the screamin’ eagle, and the ‘Vette had to be candy apple red or crimson metalflake.

I’ve actually considered looking into what it would cost to acquire non-running models of those year ranges and have them in front of my home in a

This is a Japanese person pronouncing the name. Do you hear a “th” sound? I sure as hell don’t. I clearly hear a hissing “ss” sound at the end.

Dude, that guy who stole the ball from the Bengals fan became an instant pariah in this city. I was on the fanpage at the time and it was flooded with condemnation for him and demands that he give it back to her. Saints fans in that section chanted for him to give it back, and several tried to talk the guy into doing

The one thing I could see coming out of this that’s interesting is the idea that:

I know full well that the final sound is “su”, and that the Japanese language is composed of syllables and not individual sounds. The thing you’re not getting is that in the Tokyo dialect that final -u sound is almost always clipped off to the point it’s virtually inaudible, such as the word “desu” actually sounds

There is none, the Japanese language doesn’t use that sound at all. When transferring an English language word into their language they approximate it using the sounds and structure of their language, giving such anusing (to an english speaker) terms as “orenji jusu” (orange juice), “gorufu” (golf), and “fack” (the

This photoshoot and cosplay are very well done, but the images are clearly very dusty as my eyes became red and watering as I looked at them.

I don’t care what official sources claim, she’s Aeris because there’s no bloody “th” sound in Japanese and their own pronounciation of the name is almost completely identical to Aeris with only a clipped -u at the end which is almost imperceptible.

I’d buy that for a dollar!

You’d become a magical girl for KFC, not for the magic powers and opportunity for lesbian hookups? Odd.

You just can’t win, seriously. Being a male in modern society and the dating scene is like walking a minefield without a map. There are no standards or rules to follow, because every woman has a completely different idea it seems and nobody seems to be willing to hammer out a new set of rules now that the feminist

That’s Zap Brannigan you’re thinking of. Kirk’s horndog aspect has been exaggerated in memory and parody for so long that people think it’s canon but Kirk in TOS was a very by the book captain for the most part. The book he followed, though, was one that gave a HUGE amount of discretion and leeway to Captains on the

Talk to the Jawas, ask them about a droid that understands the binary language of moisture vaporators. Just look out for ones with busted motivators.

You’re selling this movie short, it’s not nearly as dumb as you seem to think it is. Not even close. Nor is Milius the rabid right-winger you take him for. Clearly, you’re blinded by the violence and adolescent power fantasy to see the deeper things beneath. There are many great lines in the film that are not merely

I love how this woman inspired people and changed the national culture with such grace, subtlety, and simplicity. First off, she wasn’t a walking talking moral lesson in her dialogue or how the others treated her, in fact quite the opposite it was her mere presence that was so radical. She wasn’t some special

The good Doctor said it all. Well, this and his quote:

Unless someone actually lives on the premesis and cooks their personal meals in that kitchen, nothing they serve can possibly be “homemade”. Or I suppose someone could make it at their house and bring it in from home, but that’s even less likely. In other words, “homemade” at a restaurant is inherently bullshit.

There, I fixed that for you.

(and yes I know you meant among those still competing aka not retired, but still. Ali, best there ever was, best there ever will be, forever!).