Darth Meow 504

Because kneeling at her altar is one of the great joys of being alive, of course :P

I’ve wanted to kill Cloud over Aeris for years. I’d love the option.

LOL I named him Kermit too. It somehow never occurred to me that probably 90% of everyone did that too. Kinda like naming Barrett “Mr T” in FFVII.

Except Janeway was a hypocritical psychopath teetotaller dry drunk hooked on coffee as her anti-drug, who changed her lofty ideals to whatever was convenient for her at the moment. It’s not Mulgrew’s fault, but the writign on Voyager was a freaking sick joke. I wish the whole concept of “female Starfleet captain”

Lena can be a real badass, but very very few women who’ve ever lived can match the awesomeness of T2 Linda Hamilton Sarah Connor. Lena herself came close with her role as the hard as nails antagonist in Dredd, though. And I still argue she was in the right. How the hell can the Judges throw people to the wolves 94% of

That’s news to me as well. Plumbing can be an emergency situation and that’s why they have 24 hour service (and only for emergencies, regular jobs can damned well weait for 9-5 hours) but carpet? The only emergency involving needing to change carpet I can think of involves discarding the evidence of a violent crime.

I’ve given the “you can’t be serious” response myself because I thought it was too good to be true and there was no way she was really interested because I couldn’t possibly be good enough for her. I should have taken her word for it. :(

I’m sure of all the lonely and quite frankly desperate guys out there, there are PLENTY who would worship you as a goddess. My typical reply to a woman who says she can’t get a man is to offer her some, and then when she says no I am like yep, there’s your problemn it’s not that you can’t get a guy it’s that you don’t

“You just can’t win when you’re male” YES a thousand fucking times. There is no formula, there is no answer, everything you do is always wrong and you’re always to blame for everything. The best thing we could do is invent fuckbots and leave the real women alone. Barring that, the next best thing would be to reduxce

More importantly, who the hell actually installs carpet outside of business hours? Did she call up some friends and call in favors or something? Because no professional does that shit outside of business hours.

The behavior you’re describing and admitting to is actually BEING a troll. It’s pathetic.

In other words, “even when we’re talking about you, your words are irrelevant because of your genitals”. Gee, sexism much? It must be nice to be able to simply dismiss anything anyone has to say in their own defense and never have to actually defend your points.

I have no children, but in such a case I would make damned sure the accused was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. What else should I do, take the law into my own hands like some movie vigilante? My duty to her would be to provide emotional support and do all I can to make sure the police and court system do

I’m not a member of law enforcement or the judicial system, and thus I am not in the business of making determinations of fact in legal cases. I leave that to the professionals, and feel it is highly inappropriate for me to speculate and pretend I know things that I do not and can not possibly know one way or the

I would like to see examples of proving a negative that are not examples of disproving a specific positive claim.

Yes, I do. I could ask the same of you, as your concept of it seems skewed compared with mine.

I am not a member of law enforcement, nor am I a lawyer or judge or member of a jury. I cannot affect this case in any way, and it is not my business to speculate on legal cases in which I am not involved. I am an outsider, and must maintain standards of logic when making an assessment on this or any other question.

I didn’t say treat it as false. Unproven does not equal false, but an unverfied claim also cannot be taken as fact. That is simple rational skepticism and is pretty much the basis of the scientific method. Any claim, regardless of its nature, is neither true nor false until verified.

Thank you for a very balanced and nuanced approach to a very difficult topic. I myself have been insulted and flamed over my statements on the Cosby matter saying that anyone accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty, that I do not know and have no real business speculating (and the same goes with the rest of

This is incorrect because it ignores a simple and unavoidable fact of logic: A negative cannot be proven, and the burden of proof rests on those making a positive claim. Thst is always the case, and not subject to special exception just because it involves an accusation of a horrific crime and we want to give the