Darth Meow 504

A public figure attracts all sorts of attention both positive and negative, that is a fact of life well known long before now. You and I will never be able to change that, not without changing human nature so radically that the species that remains wouldn't be recognizable as human. And so, knowing this, YES I would

When did I say anything of the sort? I never said she was "asking for it" nor that "she deserved it", merely that it is an inevitable side effect of being famous and attractive. And that the benefits far, far outweigh the drawbacks. Again, if I could trade places with her and have her life instead of mine I would not

Let me ask you this, you who imagines him or herself to have such a more well-developed soul than mine:

Would you accept 100 million dollars if the price was that somewhere on the internet there existed a group of sexually explicit photographs of you? Because I sure as fuck would. So again, you'll have to excuse me for

Oh, I feel so sorry for a woman whose good looks have enabled her to make millions upon millions of dollars from people who like to look at images of her —just not the wrong kinds, is what you're saying? Sure on principle it's wrong to steal and distribute nude pictures of people without their consent, but honestly in

If the woman in question was post-pubescent, it's not child pornography. It's still illegal, but a post-pubescent woman is a teen, not a child. The term ephebophilia as contrasted to pedophilia exists for a reason, and any sexual images of a person between the completion of puberty and the age of legal majority fall

I can't imagine why such a picture of me would exist, I presume photoshop or something, but with my body I'd be laughing my ass off if someone decided I was fapworthy. And very confused. But mostly just laughing. Because really, not even I wanna see me naked.

If I did have a killer body, though, and millions of dollars

I wish. Mine was the crappiest of the low end 4-cylinder cars with pretty much zero options, but it was a fun car to drive with great handling (for a FWD car, at least) with a useable back seat for two adults and a surprising amount of cargo room under that hatchback. It was much like my first car ( a 1981 1/2 Corolla

I loved my MX-3, it was to be honest my favorite of all the cars I've owned. Yes, I'd have wanted it as a 2+2 RWD, but aside from that it was perfect.

Wipe out the Xena infestation? I think that might have made for a better game.

You being one of those people on Jalopnik, you realize? Irony seems utterly lost on you, but thanks for the laugh.

Again, you and the idiot at Ferrari who sent the moronic C&D letter are the only ones that share your legal theory, and I'm beginning to suspect you are one and the same. But hey, you've got your heels dug in despite multiple people telling you you're wrong, so clearly there's no point in continuing. Good luck.

Have you noticed that absolutely no one in this thread agrees with your bizarre legal interpretation? Have you considered that maybe it's because you're so far out in left field you're actually in the parking lot?

What part of doctrine of first sale do you not understand? Once you have bought an item, it's yours to do with as you please and that includes reselling it with or without modifications. YES you could buy a bag of chips, slap a sticker on it (or not) and sell it again if anyone would buy it. In fact that's done all

So you would be buying Ferraris, presumably at retail, than adding a different badge and reselling them? One I don't see how in the hell you could make a profit, and two they're your cars once you've bought them so you can do whatever the hell you want.

You go to hell and you die!

Is that a JeePuke?

I've seen one of those done up as Ecto 1 at a comics convention. It looked amazingly perfect.

This is not a bear-rabbit-angel thing. It is a little girl, it is a cartoon character, it is a friend, but it is not a bear-rabbit-angel thing.

I can't speak for the other games referenced as I've not played them, but attacking GTA for being "insensitive" is laughable. Seriously.

Yes, in GTA women and their bodies are there as props for the main character to claim, use, abuse, and destroy at will. You know what else is that way in that game?ABSOLUTELY