Darth Meow 504

We have made progress. The majority of America was behind what happened in those places in those days and we're still seeing their remnants not quite yet dead and gone. Today, however, those in support of this abomination are a small minority drowned out by a massive backlash of righteous condemnation.

I don't think we ever came closer than that time in the 80s where the Soviets actually got a false alarm and gave the launch orders, and one sharp-eyed commander had the wit and sense to doublecheck everything. Had he not caught the error, we wouldn't be talking about this now.

It's cars like this that scream for an option of "desirable but overpriced".

They were doing it at my elementary school in 1980, but that might have been for tornadoes or something though I suspect it was just a matter of an administration not getting around to changing the policy long after it was outdated. At that point they weren't telling us what we were ducking and covering -from-, just

So sue and use the money to move somewhere nicer?

They stopped doing "duck and cover" in the 70s and 80s because it was pointless. With 50s atomic bombs, you can survive if you take shelter, with thermonuclear weapons the only maneuver available is "kiss your ass goodbye".

Presuming you're telling the truth, all that proves is that you managed to interview a disproportionate number of Apple users. It doesn't change the fact that the Commodore 64 outsold every other computer (including PC and Apple) by a significant margin and was the dominant machine of the 1980s.

What is your sample size for this amateur poll you ran? Did you control for any variables? Keep any records? Can you show data at all? Also, what are the dates? Because Commodore was dominant from 1982 to 1992, and if your poll respondents only remember back to the 90s (when Macintosh became commonly available to

You're just determined to be hostile and hateful. Not a fun way to live and not a good way to make friends, either. But clearly I can't talk you out of it, so good luck with that.

The plural of anecdote is not data. I don't base my statements on who I knew or what my personal experience was, I base it on cold hard sales figures. Data that totaled both US and worldwide sales.

Sales figures disagree with you. The C64 is the single biggest selling computer model of all time, and absolutely dwarfs all competitors combined in the 10 year span that it was dominant. You may have known more people with Apple ][ products (or maybe even a rare early Macintosh!) but the numbers don't lie.

This is due

I never said "Americans solved all problems", I said that Imperial Japan was dismantled and occupied, and no longer exists. There is no continuity between that regime and the modern Japanese government. None at all.

What ARE you saying then if it's not a justification of what was done to this young woman? That's what this whole article is about.

If calling for an end to hate and violence is being dogmatic, then dogmatic shall I be.

You're the one making excuses for an unprovoked attack on a young woman merely because of her country of birth. Think on that, and look in the mirror. Hate isn't pretty.

Who the fuck said it was ok? Nothing that was done in that time of brutality was ok. But you're acting like Japan got off scot free and that's not at all the case. They were fucking nuked, get that through your skull! What worse do you want? How much more blood and suffering will it take for your hatred to be appeased?

My, what a powerful argument you make! The clever wordsmithing, the impeccable and in-depth research, and the airtight, unassailable logic of it all really is breathtaking. I am so stunned by the force of your amazing rebuttal that I have no choice but to retreat from the battlefield of debate, wounded and humbled.

And it's own people. And Europeans ran around conquering and colonizing and genociding for centuries. America genocided the Native Americans. Rome conquered and converted all of Europe at one point. The list goes on and on and on. Humans are dicks.

"Japan's government has never apologized for their mistakes"

Not true. As long as I've been going to conventions there has been furry art and furry fans, and that's well before the internet. Every subculture has gotten more organized since the advent of the internet, that's the power of the thing. But trust me, you have predecessors that are older than you realize.

Wrong. Barbara was crippled in TKJ purely as motivation fodder for Batman and never intended to be seen again. She could have died off panel for all anyone cared at that point. Someone else entirely in a completely different title decided to springboard off of that story and salvage something from Barbara's discarded