Darth Meow 504

Except Peter Parker IS Spider-Man. I accept no substitutes.

Monica is one of Marvel's most badass characters, and her hair is pretty like that. She's gorgeous, powerful, and has great history with the Avengers. It's a damned shame she hasn't been used very much or very well since her heyday in the 80s. And she's from New Orleans! So much win.

That's the wrong year for the Bandit. Different front clip from like three years later or so.

You seem to have completely missed my point while twisting my words into the most offensive interpretation possible. Let me try again.

You seem to miss the posters point, perhaps because they should have used the word "identical" instead of "equal".


One, it's a Pinto regardless of the name on it. If there's a worse car in modern history, I'd be surprised to learn of it. Two, I'm pretty certain I've puked that exact color scheme. Just looking at it makes me feel like attempting to do so again.

So he's this guy,

Not sure if this is related, but I sort of drifted by accident once. When I first had my 300ZX I took an interstate onramp too hot and damn near lost it. I was going too fast and not making the turn sharp enough to stay on the pavement, so I cut it in a little harder to recover and it was too much, the back wheels


"Broo Nissan Vusah!"

1.) You're listing the original, correct definition of objectification while ignoring how it's been expanded to the point of condemning any sexual appreciation of feminine attractiveness at all, even when applied to art and fiction and actual literal inanimate sex toys.

That's not true. What "nice guys" like me want from women is:

I would, and I have. Because while she wasn't blessed with looks, she was intellectually brilliant, creative, talented, sweet, and we could talk for hours and hours like we were two halves of the same mind. And not only do I not regret it, I miss her and would love to have a chance to rekindle what we had before life

I said he was conservative, not fundamentalist. In his original 1930s context he's probably an FDR Democrat, but that's still a far cry from modern mores.

This reminds me of a quote I read recently:

There was a definite sense of rage in the Queen's reactions, there's no denying it. However, what she actually did was little different than what any colony insect does when it's hive is damaged or destroyed. It homes in on the attacker and lays down the hurt. Wasps do it, bees do it, ants do it too. When the hive is

Umm didn't this scenario happen almost exactly in Frank Miller's original Dark Knight Returns? Joker kills Lois, Superman kills Joker, shit hits fan?

That was an isolated case, and the Queen also had nothing to lose at that point as her children were dead. Yes the Aliens are intelligent (I don't know about genius, but definitely intelligent) but they have completely different motivations than humans. For the most part, they are pure predators without much in the

Wow this is seriously hateful. I mean, how dare they have sexual desires or fantasies? Don't they know they're physically repulsive? And they masturbate, too? Eww! Only hot people, preferably female, are allowed to do that! Didn't they get the memo that they're supposed to curl up and die rather than possess or