Darth Meow 504

Like I told Rocket Queen, in my experience "trying to score free alcohol" and "trying to score with the lady bartender" were two different things. Guys would ask me to hook them up too but there was certainly nothing flirtatious about it. Usually it was begging and/or promises of a bigger tip. I learned to use a

Ah... yeah I do imagine it's different in England. I'm from New Orleans, which is kinda it's own planet LOL. And of course people ask to be hooked up with more alcohol, they asked me all the time but flirting had nothing to do with it. Here, at least, the female bartenders always made a lot more in tips than us guys

You really think guys are under any illusion they can score free or discounted drinks from you by flirting? That's insane. Guys are flirting with you because they like how you look and your job-based friendliness is giving them the false impression they have a shot at being with you when they almost certainly do not.

Now playing

Put a kidney bean grille on this badboy and you're there.

"As an Alien you'll take revenge for being used as a glorified war toy. "

And remember, if anyone seems annoyed with you, say "Gomen nasai, watashi wa baka gaijin desu" and that should defuse any tensions. :D

It might be a great game on it's own, but it's not only incompatible with the first game but really antagonistic to it. The characters, world, and feel of the first game aren't there and those elements that show up are there only to be destroyed. They shouldn't have tried making it a sequel to a beloved game like

You have very much nailed it. FF8 marked a very stark change in style and it lacked what it's predecessors had in their favor as far as appeal. One can even argue they're good, they're certainly at the least very pretty, but they're nothing in common with pre-8 styles. Advent Children, though I really wanted to like

Jenny MacCarthy? Is that you?

Proper wage? Last I looked into it, the rate was per day, 5k for women and 500 for men. Yes, women make ten times what the men do. If I made 5k a week, I'd be just fine working one day a week. But you can't become a millionaire like that.

By that logic, she should never have participated in the Battle of Endor, and yet she did.

Ideally, Catwoman can and should be both. Like the tagline in this pic says, "She's your best dream and your worst nightmare". Note the AND there. She's not either or. She's both. That's honestly at the core of Catwoman and the ultimate expression of the femme fatale she is. The problem is, DC as usual sucks at

Oh come on, catgirls are how we know Gaia exists and wants us to be happy.


What I see coming is automation becoming the next automatic transmission... standard in most cars with enthusiast vehicles like sportscars retaining the old school driving pleasure. And that's honestly not a bad thing. SUVs and minivans and family sedans and wagons don't need bored, distracted people that don't want

Retina on a laptop! A marketing term for overly dense screens that reduce performance pumping pixels you can't see anyhow, and all the Apple worshippers praise it like it's manna from heaven. Since when is 19x10 not enough for a 15" screen? It's a gimmick, nothing more.

My question is what happens when a Garou bangs a Bastet?

I initially read this as "O Come, O Come, Emmanuelle" and laughed my ass off.

Thank you for the compliment on my oratory, but I would like to point you to my final sentence, "AS LONG AS THEY INFRINGE ON NO ONE'S INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS". That's the key. A lot of imagined harm gets ginned up based on ideas like "x is objectifying" when no one is actually getting hurt. In this case, these women are

Umm, no. YOUR body is your body. Your own personal body. The same is true of each individual woman and her own personal body. Each of you owns that and nothing more.