
I guess the word "irony" is a word that these Jewish kids never learned in school. One wonders if they ever studied any recent 20th century history, and that the calling for the extermination of a people, that they so flippantly bandy about, was applied to their own ancestors with devastating results.

An unmanned Drone, won't face the same limitation as a pilot blacking out from pulling too many G's. They will be smaller and faster, and probably cheaper. You are absolutely right. Fighter pilots will someday will be as needed as Cavalry Officers.


"Maybe" you should use your head. The cop sitting on top of the woman pummeling her. That's resisting arrest?

It's an interesting calculus. If the department loses a half a million dollars over this, it might welcome the guys dismissal. Bucks are the bottom line, and if this cop did this once he could more then likely do it again.

Maybe it's because of incidents like this that the police don't want to be video taped.

I have to admit, I've never watched these shows. Just one question, why can't this guy be replaced by somebody that brings the same skill set. Be it funny, witty etc? What is the big deal? You go around eating food, making wise cracks. Is this something only one in a million people can do?

OK, ask the Supreme Court, why it's OK for Hobby Lobby to pay for vasectomies (male birth control) and Viagra? I determined that you are clueless, by reading your post, but some women have hormonal conditions, and need birth control to deal with these problems. As a women doctor today said on commenting on this

You don't know shit.

My advice is that you need to learn the difference between grilling and microwaving. You may be too young to know the difference. Kind of like kids today who think that milk comes from cartons at the grocery store.

Now playing

Well, that's a good start, but then you need to do the following:

Not me after reading David's post, I ran out to the garage, unfurled our good ole USA flag, and now I'm staring at it and weeping.

The clues were there all along. Remember the saying "X marks the spot." Makes you think, doesn't it.

So if your daughter got a job at a company and was told by her boss that the only way she could get ahead was to sleep with him, you'd be OK with that?

Well said!

My aren't we sensitive! How about a noose hanging from a tree? A Klan member in full regalia?

You might want to do your research. Walmart's low wages translates to a tax burden on the middle class.

"Why don't Unions support the Free Market and allow everyone to opt out?"

You forgot to say that "Unions hate America." In fact you might want to add that Unions hate Mom and Apple Pie while you are at it.