
You didn't read the books?

Or her meeting her own granddaughter, which would be freaking awesome.

National Hero, more like.

Anyone else think that Mick is playing the Legion until he can convince Snart?

COmpared to Thawne, mostly anyone is an idiot.



I was not the only one cackling like a madman through the entire episode as his biggest fandom was lampshaded in 24115 different ways, right? ( Look at the second part of my nickname.)

It was. Then again, Hunter Zolomon also existed BEFORE Flashpoint as well. Geoff Johns and Berlanti are importing a lot of various ideas from various points of Flash comics.

24: Legacy?? Pffft, hell no.

Some writers in comics have done a similar thing a few times, but the most recent example was when Deadpool somehow found himself in the same room with the writer of his comic book.

Oh no, women.

I know. I know H. wayne existed before. I know all that.

I'm not gonna say "you are everything that is wrong with 21st century", because that would be a hyperbole…

No. No. As for Cobalt….

If you are trolling, that's not funny, because EVERYONE knows who Gene Kelly is.

I actually think Routh's Ray Palmer, especially in Legends, is pretty damn close to Ray Palmer from comics.

Darren Criss is not white?

Their chemistry is amazing because it's a friendship.

My money is on an actual extra-dimensional, like Dr. Manhattan.