I am more partial to Bertinelli, then the fake-ass Wayne huntress myself.
I am more partial to Bertinelli, then the fake-ass Wayne huntress myself.
Crisis on Infinite Earths for a next season x-over.
It has to do with how people feel about real world.
Oh god.
There's a good chance Barry speed-read on Clark while he was briefly in Supergirl's earth. Remember, first time he went there, he was in that world for a full 24 hours.
My advice is let go of Iron Fist.
Abra Kadabra is a tough villain to pull through an entire season, so it's good he's a one-and-done villain of the week.
I'm with you on better pay, but I'd like that issue resolved before it comes to a strike.
There's no good way to bring in Benanti into this crossover story-wise, even in that dream world. That'd have detracted from overall story too much and focus on its effect on Kara.
He's not in the comics.
Everyone's commenting on the singing and all… But I've seen no one comment on Grant Gustin's incredible dancing performance.
If Meister does cross into Lucifer's universe, we potentially might get the baddest ass musical number in TV history, when Tom Ellis pulls off another one of his sick piano performances combined with Meister's powers and potential production budget.
"Get Lin-Manuel Miranda on the horn and let's do a bad-ass Kamala Khan musical movie"
Well, I'd love if a crossover episode lampshades to the movie "Swingers", that holds the most potential for comedy.
If I ever find myself in that spot, I got my response ready.
There's a good chance the character in Crazy Ex-GF is another metahuman affected by particle accelerator and has the ability to distort reality without knowing it, given that some of the events that occurred in that show make no sense, other chars notice it sometimes and ignore it other times, a few times people…
There's a good chance that Iris will really die.
YOu don't understand.