Howdy folks

Oh fuck off. I’ve never watched GOT but I’ve seen him in plenty of other roles and he’s a phenomenal actor. I do know that like it or not that show wouldn’t have been NEARLY the success it was during its run without his charming ass in it. So that’s literally the only GOT Emmy I’m OK with.

Look, we get it, he doesn’t

It seems as much pro-Neuer as pro-management. You have the current starter saying it is inappropriate - disloyal even - to question who is currently starting.  

Neymar runs around, is mobbed by teammates, he jumps in the air, revels in the cheers and then goes back to get the ball so he could celebrate again all for nearly a minute after scoring and that’s “barely celebrates”?

I bet Aunt Becky is super kicking herself now about not taking the plea deal.

Uh, that’s a bold statement considering...you know...*gestures wildly* EVERYTHING else he’s done. 

“ I get that it’s just a different way of life, and a different foundation/culture/history, but in this day and age you’d think more Iranians would tell the members of the “moral police” to go fuck themselves.”

As an entitled, comfortable, ignorant piece-of-shit American, I have a difficult time wrapping my head around how there can be a “rule,” anywhere in the world, that doesn’t allow women to attend a soccer match. Why such hate/disdain/disgust for (and CONTROL over) women in nearly all aspects of their society? I get

“Iran is no longer a competitor at the international level. No Iranian team regardless of worthiness, will be permitted to play in any FIFA sanctioned match.”

I have nothing for this but sadness.

From what I remember from my Football Manager, players younger than 21(?) don’t count against the roster total.

So if the Juve midfield gets devastated, they’d have to call up their academy players to fill in until the Champions League rosters can be re-jiggered in February after the January transfer window.

This sucks

Stephens, like all other white men failing up, has never met a bad situation he couldn’t make even worse. I am grateful to Karpf for calling out the editorial board for continuing to publish so many bad takes. Even more grateful for Karpf branding this scandal “Bretbug”.

A twitter joke is not the same as an article in the Wall Street Journal or New York Times. Good lord.

Maybe it’s because the rest of the news is a constant grind of awfulness, but I kind of love this ongoing slapfight between Actual College Professor and The Living Avatar Of The Dunning-Kruger Effect.

A father says the nicest, least narcissitic, least sexist things, about his daughter in public and somehow that’s...weird? And taking credit for her doing well?

You should clarify that you are choosing among nationally available, mass-produced (i.e. “cheap”) brands. Straus (Greek or otherwise), as one regionally available example from Northern CA, wipes the floor with these. There many others.

For fuck’s sake, it’s London to Scotland. Just get the LNER from King’s Cross to Edinburgh and then change for Aberdeen.

I drove for Uber for 6 months in a major market. I never saw the $30 they claim. Actual take home after expenses was closer to $12-$17/hr depending on when it was. Tipping was almost nonexistent.

How would you come up with a number of $30/hr? Well you would have to ignore all the expenses the driver incurs (taxes,

I can’t comment on the average hourly wage an Uber/Lyft driver makes because it almost certainly varies with geography.

If the Queen is willing to support her son, who associated with a known sex offender and pedophile, and she is, her support negates every other PR move she has ever done to make her and her family seem more “modern.” (They’re really not.)

This is probably sexist but as bad as awful plastic surgery looks on women, it looks even worse on men. Did he have two golf balls injected into his cheekbones? Did his dentist steal those veneers from the set of a Jim Carrey movie? And you’d think if he was already going to the trouble of having so much work done, he