Howdy folks

Wanda Sykes nailed it when she said The Bachelor’s rose ceremony basically equated a man tapping women he deems worthy to bone on the forehead with his dick and them going crazy with happiness when he does. I hate that we see so much about this show on Jezebel, even if it’s dirt bag.

How the fuck do you watch a group of men give a teenager alcohol and not lift a finger to help?

This was delightfully vicious and I am HERE FOR IT.

At the risk of outing myself as having terrible taste in film, does anyone else find most of his work unwatchable? I’ve just never understood the appeal of such a high violence to plot ratio and it’s really off-putting to me.

So help me out here, American friends, it seems like a lot of the schools that are being implicated in these scandals are big sports-heavy schools which, as far as I know, are reputed to be very expensive and academically middling.

Yeah, sure it has nothing that he’s been caught cheating once, and when testers showed up he threw a fit and destroyed evidence. Nothing at all lol.

Please don't make this out as something cool. Fucking idiots are wrecking our public lands right and left. A fine and a night in jail are good punishments and I'd ban her from all national parks/monuments for 5 year's

“Ms. Incontro seemed like a nice person who was ‘having a day’

I mean impeachment would be as far along as it can without a majority. Seriously, I don’t think people are quite grasping this— Pelosi is wrong on the messaging but she’s not wrong about the idea that centrist Dems have importance— a purely progressive House caucus is hard pressed to break 100-125 members much less

“My father was murdered outside his home by a trespasser who he confronted alone”

For my child’s safety...

No, no, mofo. If you were afraid of your “child’s safety” you wouldn’t have confronted a “trespasser” at all. If you were truly afraid because of your dad’s story, you would NOT have “confronted a trespasser”

I hope she gets traded to Portland so that every Thorn has its Rose.

One summer, when I was 11, and my sister was 9, my mom dropped us off at the library in the morning, and picked us up when she was off work. She packed us lunches, and we just went there and read. We read so much. There was so much we wanted to read that we gradually increased our reading speed to consume more. By the

I don't even know why women keep following religions, there's nothing for us in there.

That would seem to be an asinine qualifying system

France really got fucked over by the draw. They got the hardest draw of all the top teams.

Crystal Dunn was the Player of the Match, though.

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

We gotta start calling these people what they are: child-killers. They would rather have a dead child than one who has autism or some other (almost certainly fictional) “vaccine injury”.