Howdy folks

Also uniquely American: The number of straw-man arguments in this thread about goal differential when the issue that the majority of critics, and the one discussed in the actual post above, has way more to with how the USWNT, Rapinoe perhaps most egregiously, behaved after scoring some of those later goals.

Or, consider how you’d react if a team far better than your son’s or daughter’s showboated in this way as they demolished your kid’s team. You’re sad if your kid’s team gets crushed but you’re furious if the other team celebrates like this.

“That said- if my kids I behaved this way during a game they’d get a talking to....”

He’s wearing the vest far too long. It should just cover the waistband of the trousers, but he’s got it sitting on his hips. Like he’s said about his long-ass ties, he must think this is slenderizing. Instead, he’s fucked with the proportions and it looks like his tailcoat is far too short (the sleeves are also too

If she was really interested in her education, she could find a good community college, do well there and transfer to a university after a couple of years. I’m guessing that won’t happen.

I’ve decided that Kevin Hart is the worst. He doesn’t take care of babies as diapers etc. are women’s work, he lied about cheating on his pregnant partner, he is on record with homophobic nonsense...just boo.

Well, women are taught that a man is a necessity that they must earn, and men are taught that women are an entitlement they deserve.  Seriously, when I have you heard “you’ll never get a wife/woman that way” the way you hear “you’ll never get a man/husband that way?”

I have a male friend I would categorize as “incel-like.” He’s certainly never expressed any violent thoughts but is filled with resentment over the women who are not interested in him. He’s in his early 60s, does not take care of either his health or his appearance, and can be extremely condescending. He believes the

That was a touching scene. Brad Marchand is still an asshole, though.

The Eakin hit on Pavs was at minimum a 4, not a 2. 5 was surprising but painful as it is, it is how the rules are written that it is the purview of the refs.

Fucking Boston gets away with SO MUCH SHIT. Between Chara and Marschand that team can get fucked. It’s just not enjoyable to watch them literally beat the shit out of another team and not even get so much as a glance from the refs while if someone looks at them wrong a penalty is called.

What doesn’t get mentioned is that Chara should have approximately 1,487 penalty minutes since the beginning of the playoffs, but because of the so-called “veteran pass” he has 10 PIM. Let’s not act like the Sharks are the only ones getting the breaks here.

Betteridge says no.

I cant believe more black people arent moving there. Less than an hour drive from Atlanta, but with (I assume) lower taxes and cost of living?! Black people, gentrify Hoschton!

So, dumping the family tree, but not the money it grows

However, over the weekend, Jade was snapped shopping at an IKEA in Burbank, California

I like the mix of “incognito” and “look at me”

The EXvangelical crowd took a huge hit this weekend - hell, the world did - when we lost Rachel Held Evans. I didn’t really expect Jez to cover it but I wanted to mention her because she deserved to be mentioned. And it’s just very sad.

That’s a pretty demented and deeply elitist attitude.

C’mon lab-grown meat...