Darth Happy

Almost everyone on employer-provided healthcare already is watching the value of that healthcare being reduced, except for a tiny fraction who have special executive-level coverage. For example, my previous employer has changed carriers and reduced its coverage from almost all local hospitals to two networks of about

Thank you for this new and edgy take that hasn’t been hashed out a thousand times.

“Single payer is dead and buried until the next time Democrats control all 3 branches.”

*eyeroll* This tired schtick?

Stick a sock in it. People hated Hillary long before they knew who Bernie Sanders was.

Even if, on the 1 in a million chance, Trump did come out for single payer healthcare, there’s ZERO chance it would make it through congress.

That’ll be a helluva headline to save for when they figure out how to thaw and reanimate his head on a robot that runs amok and murders half of Boston.

Oh no, trust me I’m not defending Iron Fist at all. It’s just we’ve got cultural appropriation being attacked with racist tropes that are complained about separately elsewhere and it seems like a self defeating argument. Comic properties are inherently problematic in this regard because they weren’t sensitive to

Iron Fist wasn’t whitewashing, Danny Rand is caucasian. The argument about if he should’ve been played by an Asian actor on the TV has A LOT of merit but its not whitewashing. 

Sadly, this was the beginning of the end for HamNo. The frozen yogurt people, outraged at his snub, began a campaign of disinformation. Slowly but surely, they eradicated the confidence of each and every fan of our beloved host, and by the end of the weekend, all 5 turned their backs on him for good.

DC it is anything goes. And we actually had a cyclist kill a pedestrian a little while ago.

That’s how it is where I live. Besides, riding on sidewalks is more dangerous than the roads, given their uneven nature.
In my state cyclists are required to use the roads — which is fine. What sucks is that those roads also usually have minimum shoulders, especially in rural areas. Shoulders also aren’t worth a damn

That doesn’t sound like a cheer-ocracy!

Way to be aggressive, be aggressive, b-e a-gg-r-e-ss-i-v-e, CCU administrators.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

Sidewalks are terrible places for biking. They are uneven and narrow.They generally have bad transitions at intersections. They are frequently blocked with garbage cans, yard waste, random toys, cars in driveways, etc. Turning cars are less likely to properly yield to traffic from sidewalks. Not at all suitable for

Seeing the anti-biker posts, I feel it is my duty as a biker to tell them: “Y’all can shove your gear shifts up your ass.”

Thanks for making this about you.

Trump - Mind and Mouth of Draymond Green actual skill of Jeremy Lin.

It’s half the fun. when you get too far north of Orlando though, you start hearing banjos.