The Girl With The Ewok Tattoo

To paraphrase….

it's hilarious how much this gets under your skin.

Yeah, no one's buying your white knight bullshit dude. Clearly you have some grudge with this guy and you're spamming these stupid videos here to try and get back at him. No one cares about your beef. Take it elsewhere.

you are a pedant. :)

You're worried about wasting time, but you took the time to read/comment on articles that you obviously aren't interested in?

Yeah, I think you hit the underlying interest I wasn't considering. I just want to watch the NFL implode in as many ways as possible.

i'm tempted to try this until apple releases an official fix, which is one of the things TUAW is suggesting: http://tinyurl.com/oqv49sw

"We had two bags of gysahl greens, seventy-five pieces of phoenix down, five hi-powered elixirs, a saltshaker half-full of smelling salts, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored hypers, tranquilizers, eye drops, echo screens... Also, a quart of remedy, a quart of holy water, a case of potions, a pint of raw ether, and

You and I were being snippy at each other in a different thread but I think we can come together to agree: this guy is a special kind of dickhead

NFC actually has a really low range. You have to be within a few centimeters in order for it to work, which is why "tap to pay" was a popular slogan. Physical contact isn't actually needed, but it's so close you might as well tap. Also, with Android anyway, NFC is only enabled when the screen is on (to conserve

anyone else keep wondering if it is the same asshole using different accounts?

You realize that's literally the "I have black friends" defense.

"You're not suffering..." is literally an impossible sentence. You cannot say what does or doesn't hurt someone else. You're acting exactly like the sort of man you purport to have suffered because of. This video doesn't affect me one way or the other, but that was never the statement or the idea. The original

No it's not - I got my license on a manual two years ago and was taught that unless you're on a very steep slope you never park the car in gear for precisely this reason.

I drive a manual. That's what the parking break is for. Unless you're parked on a steep slope you don't leave the car in gear for precisely this reason.

I dont agree or disagree with you, but I have to say I like your style. Seriously.

I'm the same way. Why do people keep running around saying, "Luke, I am your father?!"

Here's an even easier solution: don't make things illegal for no reason.

Here we go again.. The "who even uses Facebook" circlejerk

Do you always stand for fascism, or just on Tuesdays?