
The characters can be very situational. Symmetra is largely built for defense, so if your team is attacking, having a Symmetra can be almost as bad as just not having a sixth player (obviously, some people play her offensively better than others). As far as I can tell, she is considered a troll pick on attack.

Oh man, I loved the heck out of that game.

Check out “Twisty”, it comes with four games, plus you can add others if you have the z-code.

Ha, I forgot that the stone glowed in the dark, but I certainly recall the smell.


Riiight, and the publisher backed the game out of the kindness of their own heart. Are you seriously going to argue that the third game would have been made if the first two had not generated a profit? Profit provided by the players? We have made an investment in this series. ME3 would not exist without us.

I find the idea that anyone would just sit back and accept whatever they received in exchange for their money, regardless of quality, to be deeply depressing. The idea that they should do so is even worse.

You can repeat it as often as you like, but your statement is still false. Being able to do something is not a prerequisite for being able to offer criticism of it.

This "you can't criticize something you can't make" argument is one of the dumber pro-ending stances. I assume you don't say anything when you buy a TV that doesn't work? When a website doesn't function? When your operating system crashes? When the next TMNT movie is garbage? To say you aren't allowed to judge

"I usually don't mind peoples opinions on games. But those that hate MEs ending should grow up."

Hmmm... 5 days, at $0.50 a day, thats $2.50 per subscriber, let's guess (way, way low) at 160,000 subscribers (equal to the number of pre-orders one week before launch) that's, let's see, carry the one... $400,000 of lost revenue. Minimum. It's probably more like 500k subscribers for $1,250,000.