
weird...ok, i don't think I entered, so thanks!

who/what is Sony Pictures in terms of logins/passwords/accounts? Was this a Sony movie rental site? Streaming?

a RAID model would be heaven IF we could actually get access to the drives. Needing a hairdryer to heat up the bottom rubber pad to peel it off to access the screws to open the case to change one of the dead RAID drives? Not heaven.

Looks incredible.

Is 60ghz the next proposed 802.11 band? Or is this something else?

what comes around....

Hasn't Linux been in every single one of those devices for years?

lol, I was thinking of Linux.

So it will be in printers, routers, set top boxe...waitaminute, didn't someone already do this???

I agree-same with the HP Touchpad being "accidentally" shown at Computex. The biggest fear hardware manufacturers (except Apple) have right now is obscurity/getting lost in the shuffle. The big "official" reveal isn't enough anymore to guarantee you coverage.

Come on...really? Let me guess...fade out to Riker on the holodeck, with T'Pol..."Decontamination program Season 1"

Whoa whoa whoa...Riker was in the last episode of Enterprise? Was it a Bobby Ewing thing? All a dream?

I miss the Sixties and all it's invisibilities :(


I'm impressed you even admitted to it ;)

I thought the jet was invisible.

Isn't it most likely that the other person responded to the stereotypical behavior more strongly, because it was so obvious? In other words, its not that the girly girls and manly men were more perceptive, its just that the responses to their exagerated/simplistic behavior are easier to decipher, by anyone.

Hyperion deserves a Game of Thrones style cable miniseries treatment...each tale could be a 2 hour movie.

A win for Amazon, and a win for Lady Gaga.

Android Market Now Open...For Business.